- 本设计是在车辆通行繁忙的十字交叉路口设置的灯火控制系统,其特点是:道路较窄而车辆通行较多,支线、干线的车辆通行时间不等,并设有左右弯道通行时间,允许人工监控或修改各线通行时间,同时设有道路应急控制-the design of the vehicles cross the busy intersection, the lights installed control system, which was characterized by : the narrower roads and more v
- IO程序 - 交通灯演示程序,采用中断驱动模式。① 南北路口的绿灯,东西路口的红灯同时亮30秒。 ② 南北路口的黄灯闪烁3次,同时东西路口红灯继续亮。 ③ 南北路口的红灯,东西路口的绿灯同时亮30秒。 ④ 南北路口的红灯继续亮。同时东西路口的黄灯闪烁3次。 ⑤ 转 ① 重复注:黄灯的每次闪烁亮0.5秒,熄0.5秒。- The IO procedure - traffic light demonstration program, uses the severance actuation pat
- 自制USB键盘,含源码,原理图 用了一个4*4的小键盘,有0-9十个数字键, Num Lock键,Caps Lock键,Shift键,Ctrl键,Alt键,回车键等。 最多可以有三个键同时按下,如果相交的话,最多只能两个键按下-homemade USB keyboard, with the source code, and using the principle of a 4 * 4 small keyboard, a 0 -9 10 numeric keys, Num Lock k
- 本程序用于路口的超速检测程序, 进行模拟检测-procedures for the intersection of speeding detection procedures, conduct simulation testing
- 急救车与交通灯)(1)南北与东西方向,每个方面由红黄绿三个灯控制(2)南北向: 红(30秒),黄(5秒),绿(25秒) 东西向: 红(35秒),黄(5秒),绿(25秒) 上述基本参数可以根据实际情况自行调整,灯的变化规律与实际路口规律相同,绿灯在最后5秒钟时,黄灯亮,然后红灯亮,不允许两个方面同时亮绿灯。(3)绿灯的时间显示在数码管上进行显示。(4)可以通过一个开关控制,当开关信号为0时,整个交通灯全灭提高要求:(1)设计一个紧急控制开关信号,当紧急开关信号为1时,两个方向的灯全为红灯。
- 通过用80C51芯片写入程序,实现十字路*通灯通行功能,模拟路口处得红绿灯状态转换,达到保持车辆顺畅通行无阻,禁止路口处车辆阻塞,疏导交通的目的。-Written procedure by using 80C51 chip, to achieve common feature crossroads traffic lights, traffic lights simulated intersection was the state transition, to maintain the smo
- 十字路*通信号灯控制器红黄绿三灯-Intersection traffic signal controller three red, yellow, and green lights
- 这是C8051F系列单片机的例子,里面有PWM16位,8位,PCA模块,UAT0/1串口设置,定时器中断设置,SPI,ADC等,还有一些交叉口设置例程-This is a series of single-chip C8051F example, there are PWM16 bit, 8-bit, PCA modules, UAT0/1 serial port settings, set the timer interrupt, SPI, ADC, as well as a number o
- 交通灯控制例程;本实验是模拟控制一个十字路口的交通灯,4行3色灯,分别代表一个十字路口的4个口的交通灯。-Traffic light control routines this experiment is the analog control a crossroads, traffic lights, four-line three-color lights, representing an intersection of the four port traffic lights
- 模拟十字路*通灯的控制。初始状态为红灯全亮,5秒后变成状态A。状态A:东西通车,东西方向绿灯亮,南北红灯亮。5秒后东西绿灯灭,黄灯闪烁,2秒后转入状态B。状态B:N南北通车,南北方向绿灯亮,东西红灯亮。5秒后南北绿灯灭,黄灯闪烁,2秒后转入状态A。-Analog intersection traffic light control. The initial state of the whole red light, 5 seconds into a state of A. Status A:
- 该程序为一个路*通灯的控制器程序,采用VHDL编程,可在FPGA上实现-The program is an intersection traffic light controller program, using VHDL programming can be implemented on FPGA
- 实现对工厂反应釜的实时监控,绘制出重要的参数,自动化控制反应釜的加料,和反应。还有对十字路*通灯的控制。控制车辆正常运行而不撞车。-Realizes to the factory reaction still real-time monitoring, draws up the important parameter, the automated control reaction still feeding, with response. Also has to the intersectio
- 在keil环境下编译的交通灯程序,使用51单片机控制。真实模拟交叉路口的红绿灯交替情况。对初学者极有帮助-Keil compiler environment in the traffic lights program, using the 51 SCM control. Real simulation of the traffic light intersection turn of the situation. Be very helpful for beginners
- 该控制器在设计上控制了一个繁忙的高速公路(高速路的红绿灯) 相交一岔路(SRD)等具有相对较轻的交通负荷。图1显示 在交通灯的位置。在十字路口传感器检测汽车的存在 在公路上和岔路。该图意味着,无论是公路和副作用 道路提供每个方向的交通单一车道。这两个普通的道路(红, 黄,绿)信号灯。交集装有一个传感器。-The controller to be designed controls the traffic lights of a busy highway (HWY) inter
- 并行接口8255,定时/计时器8253,中断控制器8259A与计算机相连,通过8253产生1Hz的方波,并编程得到计时器,然后利用8259的中断功能和8255的并口输出数据功能做了一实时操作系统,来模拟十字路*通灯的模拟-8255 parallel interface, timer/timer 8253, 8259A interrupt controller connected to a computer, by 8253 produce 1Hz square wave, and progra
- 十字路*通指示灯,绿灯25秒,红灯30秒,黄灯5秒,允许各路口右转-Intersection traffic light, green light 25 seconds, 30 seconds, red light, yellow light 5 seconds, allowing the intersection to turn right
- 交通灯信号控制器用于主干道与支道公路的交叉路口,要求是优先保证主干道的畅通。因此,平时处于“主干道绿灯,支道红灯”状态,只有在支道有车辆要穿行主干道时,才将交通灯切向“主干道红灯,支道绿灯”,一旦支道无车辆通过路口,交通灯又回到“主干道绿灯,支道红灯”的状态。-Traffic signal controller to the main road intersection with Bypass Road, requested a priority to ensure the smooth flo
- 模拟十字路*通灯,大量的信号灯电路正向着数字化、小功率、多样化、方便人、车、路三者关系的协调,-Simulated traffic light intersection,A large number of signal circuit is toward digital, low-power, diversity, convenience of people, vehicles, road relations between coordination
- 本次设计为十字路*通灯控制系统设计,硬件部分它以8031单片机为核心,并在此基础上扩展了程序存储器(EPROM)2764、静态数据存储器(SRAM)6264,利用地址锁存器74LS373扩展I/O并行接口芯片8255A。软件部分它结合定时/计数等知识进行程序编译。-The design for the intersection traffic light control system design, hardware components it to 8031 as the core, and
- 利用AT89C52单片机来实现对十字路*通灯的控制。软件开发环境是keil.-AT89C52 microcontroller used to implement the control of intersection traffic lights. Software development environment is keil.