- 交通灯控制例程;本实验是模拟控制一个十字路口的交通灯,4行3色灯,分别代表一个十字路口的4个口的交通灯。-Traffic light control routines this experiment is the analog control a crossroads, traffic lights, four-line three-color lights, representing an intersection of the four port traffic lights
- 该程序为一个路*通灯的控制器程序,采用VHDL编程,可在FPGA上实现-The program is an intersection traffic light controller program, using VHDL programming can be implemented on FPGA
- 该控制器在设计上控制了一个繁忙的高速公路(高速路的红绿灯) 相交一岔路(SRD)等具有相对较轻的交通负荷。图1显示 在交通灯的位置。在十字路口传感器检测汽车的存在 在公路上和岔路。该图意味着,无论是公路和副作用 道路提供每个方向的交通单一车道。这两个普通的道路(红, 黄,绿)信号灯。交集装有一个传感器。-The controller to be designed controls the traffic lights of a busy highway (HWY) inter
- 交通灯信号控制器用于主干道与支道公路的交叉路口,要求是优先保证主干道的畅通。因此,平时处于“主干道绿灯,支道红灯”状态,只有在支道有车辆要穿行主干道时,才将交通灯切向“主干道红灯,支道绿灯”,一旦支道无车辆通过路口,交通灯又回到“主干道绿灯,支道红灯”的状态。-Traffic signal controller to the main road intersection with Bypass Road, requested a priority to ensure the smooth flo
- 我们设计一个简单的十字路*通灯。交通灯分东西和南北两个方向,均通过数码管和指示灯指示当前的状态。设两个方向的流量相当,红灯时间45s,绿灯时间40s,黄灯时间5s.-We design a simple traffic light intersection. West and East, and North-South traffic lights both directions, both through the digital control and the indicator indic
- VHDL语言设计数字系统,VHDL是Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Descr iption Language 的缩写,意思是超高速集成电路硬件描述语言。本课程设计分析了现代城市交通控制与管理问题的现状,结合城市交通的实际情况阐述了交通灯控制系统的工作原理。编写了程序控制8255A可编程并行接口芯片,使红、绿、黄发光二极管按照十字路*通信号灯的规律交替发光,模拟了交通信号灯简单的工作。-VHDL language design digit
- 设计一个用于十字路口的交通灯控制器。 基本要求: 东西和南北方向各有一组红、黄、绿灯用于指挥交通,红、黄、绿的持续时间分别为25s,5s,20s。 当有紧急情况(如消防车)时,两个方向均为红灯亮,计时停止,当特殊情况结束后,控制器恢复原来状态,正常工作。 一组数码管,以倒计时方式显示两个方向允许通行或禁止通行的时间。 -Design a controller for a traffic light intersection. Basic requirements: north-s
- 十字路*通管理器设计,甲、乙道路交替通行,每次通行时间30s 交替通行时刻,要求有5s的准备时间,即每次绿灯变红灯时,黄灯应先亮5s。而红灯变绿灯则不需要亮黄灯 -Intersection traffic management design, A and B alternate access road, each turn of access time access time of 30s, 5s required preparation time, which changes eac
- 一个简单的交叉路*通灯电路设计图,主干道与次干道等待时间不同-A simple traffic light intersection design circuits, main roads and secondary roads in different waiting time
- 用vhdl语言设计了一个交通灯实验 包含了十字路*通灯的转换-Vhdl language designed by a traffic light intersection experiment includes the conversion of traffic lights
- 一个交通控制灯的设计,用于十字路口,有倒计时功能,Verilog语言编写,Quratus II编译通过。-The design of a traffic control light for the intersection, a countdown function, Verilog language, Quratus II compile.
- 十字路口管控路灯开关的设计代码及说明文档-Intersection control lights switch design code and documentation
- 设计的交通灯应用在两条主干道的汇合点形成十字交叉路口,为确保车辆安全,迅速地通行,在交叉道口的每个入口设置了红,绿,黄三色信号灯。红灯亮禁止通行,绿灯亮允许通行,黄灯亮则警告行驶中的车辆,并让它们有时间停靠到禁行线之外。-Design used in traffic lights the confluence of two main roads cross the intersection form, in order to ensure their safe and prompt access
- 设计一个主干道和支干道十字路口的交通灯控制电路,主干道绿灯亮、支干道红灯亮,并且主干道绿灯亮的时间不得少于60秒。-Design a main road and branch roads intersection traffic lights control circuit, the main road the green light, branch roads red light, green light and the main road is not less than 60 second
- 用verilog代码编写的交通灯的FPGA工程。可实现南北和东西两条大街的十字路口的交通控制。-Verilog code written with the traffic lights of the FPGA project. Two north-south and east-west can be achieved Street intersection traffic control.
- 十字路*通灯的单片机控制源代码 红黄绿三灯 还有数码管时间显示-Intersection traffic lights SCM source code red yellow three lights and LED time display
- 为Verilog Hdl代码,实现交通灯系统每个路口每次绿灯维持的时间是40 秒,黄灯为5 秒 ,左转灯10秒,红灯60秒-Code for the Verilog Hdl, to achieve traffic light system to maintain each intersection green time for each 40 seconds, yellow for 5 seconds, turn left at light for 10 seconds, the red lig
- 该代码通过时钟,状态循环控制及显示模块实现了对于两相邻十字路*通灯到控制,同时包含了对于两路*通灯延时启动,以及人行道情况的考虑-The code of the clock, cycle control and display module status achieved for the two adjacent intersections to control traffic lights,and includes traffic light intersection for the tw
- 用可编程逻辑器件实现十字路*通灯的VHDL环境下的,源程序。-Programmable logic device to achieve traffic light intersection of VHDL environment, the source code.
- 比较简单的十字路*通灯控制,通过时钟计数来实现时间的计数。-Relatively simple traffic light intersection control, to achieve by the time the clock count count.