- 机顶盒界面源代码: ## Avoid the so-called SINGAPPL to be initialized at runtime ## Used when the tuner is controlled externally by I2C and ## the PIDs forced to some specific values. -STB interface source code : # # Avoid the so-called SINGAPPL to be
- The touch screen driver reads input from touch screen hardware and converts it to touch events that are sent to the input system. The driver is also responsible for converting uncalibrated coordinates-The touch screen reads input from driver to uch s
- atmel公司arm芯片at91r40008的开发实例 此程序为控制几个led灯闪烁,开发环境为ads-atmel chip companies arm at91r40008 examples of the development of this procedure for the control of several l ed lights flickered development environment for ads
- CalcCRC8 The CalcCRC8 is used to append an eight-bit CRC to the message. A successful CRC check results in returning a 0. Implementation: This CRC will be using the CRC-16/CITT protocol. A 16-bit wide non-reflected code that starts initially
- VC 控制并口模拟I2C写VGA的EDID的程序,工控软件。-VC control the LPT as i2c communicate portocol, write or read the VGA EDIT.
- 41、1602LCD简单时钟显示实验,按4X4键盘的 F键 进入设定状态 E D 键是前后移动键 C按键是调整数值按键 -1602 LCD clock display simple experiment 4X4 keypad press the F key to enter the setting status ED keys are keys to move around the C buttons are buttons to adjust the value
- Industrial CT (ICT), is composed of many subj ects, such as automatlon, commullic“on engineering,mechanical engineering,optoelectronlc technology and image processing,etc.ICT is also n锄ed Computer Tbmography technology(the best testing tecllll0