- 下载了 ARM 汇编编程网站的离线文档,此文档基于一个余从未见过的操作系统 RISC OS,但基本的东西如指令集是跨越厂商和平台的,汇编格式等差异应当不是大问题。余从中选译了指令集部分,没有选取依赖于特定硬件和工具的内容,并附加了余翻译的另一篇短文“ARM 指令格式和时序”。余对明显的错误进行了订正,并对部分内容做了一些必要的修改,好在改动的地方不是很多。余乃一介草莽,难免疏失错讹,祈望仁者指正。-downloaded compilation ARM website offline progra
- 2440 大页面文件驱动 2440 大页面文件驱动 2440 大页面文件驱动-2440 great big paging file paging file drive 2440 driver 2440 driver 2440 big paging file large paging file drive
- Hi3510内部有一个ARM9的处理器,该产品一经推出就在市场引起很大的震动,虽然现阶段Hi3510在D1的处理方面还有些不成熟,但是由于是标准H.264的产品,相信在市场方面会逐步获得行业的认可-Hi3510 internal an ARM9 processor, the product, once introduced in the market created a big shock, although at this stage D1 of the processing in the H
- 从51到ARM32位嵌入式系统入门.pdf 鼎鼎大名,好书一本。 适合有51基础,初次接触ARM的初学者学习,用来入门,浅显易懂,深入浅出。-From 51 to ARM32-bit embedded systems entry. Pdf big name, book one. Suitable for 51 basis, the initial contact with ARM beginners to learn, to get started, easy to understand
- s3c2440裸设备全部(gpio,uart,lcd,pwm,wtd,iis,usb)驱动,对想熟悉2440工作的人帮助非常大-s3c2440 bare equipment all (gpio, uart, lcd, pwm, wtd, iis, usb) driver, work on the 2440 people who would like to know a very big help
- Big Endian to Little Endian
- 431本身只是个稳压管,是个可以调节电压值的稳压管,所以不可以直接做输出的,一般应用都要接上三极管做扩流的。就像稳压二极管一样,所以楼主要改变输出电流也只能在431的电流极限内的1/10内改变,再大了,估计都没有什么效果了,输出阻抗本身就会影响输出电压的,强行减小输入电阻(其实是叫限流电阻)来实现增大输出电流是不可取的,会烧了431的。而且稳压作用也就不存在了。-431 itself is just a voltage regulator tube is a voltage regulator
- Simplescalar的PowerPc模拟器,模拟PowerPc大端体系结构行为-The Simplescalar the PowerPc simulator, analog PowerPc big endian architecture behavior
- NXP MCU 17xx_IAP 在线升级模块-For in application programming the IAP routine should be called with a word pointer in register r0 pointing to memory (RAM) containing command code and parameters. Result of the IAP command is returned in the result table
- 基于arm920T的类unix操作系统内核的实现 注释完整 适合作为arm课程的大作业 内核结构清晰,绝对原创-Big job kernel structure suitable as an arm courses complete arm920T unix-like operating system kernel-based implementation comments clear, absolute originality
- 基于凌阳61单片机的小车循迹程序,区分了大弯小弯,采用PWM调节方波的占空比来控制直流电机的转速。循迹用st188探头。-Based on Sunplus 61 MCU car tracking procedures, a distinction between small bend big bend, adjustable square wave using PWM duty cycle to control the DC motor speed. Traction with st188 pr
- 遥控小汽车项目。有五大模块Remote control car project. There are five big modules-Remote control car project. There are five big modulesRemote control car project. There are five big modules
- 简易的遥控器控制的飞机代码 简介: 1.msp430芯片 2.通信用24l01 3.前后左右控制用的是别的地方卸下来的PS2 的两轴摇杆,单片机AD分别采集 4.油门找不到摇杆了,用一个大的电位器做,也是AD采集 5.另外加两个按键做拓展功能,PS2下面也有一个轻触开关 -Simple remote control of the aircraft code Introduction: 1.msp430 chip 2 Communication 24l
- With development of the Internet and computer technology,the network has become all integral part of society.In the network,generation of network congestion will cause some big problems,such as increased network transmission delay, increased pa
- 基于51单片机的压力程序,有去毛程序,量程大。。程序移植性强-Pressure based on 51 single chip microcomputer, unhairing process and range is big. Application portability strong