- CalcCRC8 The CalcCRC8 is used to append an eight-bit CRC to the message. A successful CRC check results in returning a 0. Implementation: This CRC will be using the CRC-16/CITT protocol. A 16-bit wide non-reflected code that starts initially
- decoder of Hamming Use a [7,4] Hamming code. m = 3 n = 2^m-1 k = n-m parmat = hammgen(m) Produce parity-check matrix. trt = syndtable(parmat) Produce decoding table. recd = [1 0 0 1 1 1 1] Suppose this is the received vector. syndrome =
- 当/CS变为低电平后, TLC549芯片被选中, 同时前次转换结果的最高有效位MSB (A7)自 DATA OUT 端输出,接着要求自 I/O CLOCK 端输入8个外部时钟信号,前7个 I/O CLOCK信号的作用,是配合 TLC549 输出前次转换结果的 A6-A0 位,并为本次转换做准备:在第4个 I/O CLOCK 信号由高至低的跳变之后,片内采样/保持电路对输入模拟量采样开始,第8个 I/O CLOCK 信号的下降沿使片内采样/保持电路进入保持状态并启动 A/D开始转换。转换时间为 3