- linux下的jtag仿真器程序,可使用在arm7(44b0,4510,2410等)和arm9上面,可以烧写flash 39lv160等,再不用两个系统不停重启了。-the JTAG Emulator procedures, the use of the ARM7 (44b0, 4510,2410) and arm9 above, 39lv160 burning flash, no longer have to keep two systems resumed.
- arm单片机S3C2410,IIC总线的例子源代码。测试过了可以用,没问题。-arm SCM S3C2410, IIC Bus example source code. After testing can be used, no problem.
- 1. beep -- PWM测试 为 ADS1.2 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后在57600的超级终端里按PC机键盘的“+”“-” 按键,可以听到BUZZ增大减小的声音。 2. key -- 按键测试 为 SDT2.51 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后按FS44B0X上的按键key1 key2 key3 key4 相应的发光二极管亮 3 keyint -- 按键中断测试 该项目在SDT2.51下编
- JTAG CPLD实现源代码,比用简单并口调试器快5倍以上。 以前总觉得简单的并口jtag板速度太慢,特别是调试bootloader的时候,简直难以忍受。最近没什么事情,于是补习了几天vhdl,用cpld实现了一个快速的jtag转换板。cpld用epm7128stc100-15,晶振20兆,tck频率5兆。用sjf2410作测试,以前写50k的文件用时5分钟,现在则是50秒左右。tck的频率还可以加倍,但是不太稳定,而且速度的瓶颈已经不在tck这里,而在通讯上面了。 -JTAG CPLD
- 基于Philips ARM LPC2100的串口程序,几乎不用修改就可以添加到您的项目中,因为这段程序是完整的项目,配有启动代码和分散加载文件。-based on the Philips LPC2100 ARM Serial procedures, virtually no changes can be added to your project, because this process is complete, equipped with a boot code loading and sc
- 在ARM开发中,地址重影射的学习至关重要。没有学习的朋友可以参考这段程序。-the ARM development, alluding to re-address learning is essential. No learning can refer friends this procedure.
- 本程序是七彩射灯温度显示,温度范围(25-45摄仕度.没隔5都会显示不同的颜色.供大家参考-Discus searchlights temperature, the temperature range (25 to 45 degrees perturbation worship. no show will repeat it at five different colors. for your reference
- jflash-s3c2440是一个工具程序.其能通过JTAG接口将主机端的文件写入基于三星ARM处理器S3C2440的开发板上的NandFlash或NorFlash中.-jflash - s3c2440 procedure is a tool. Through its JTAG interface to mainframe - the documents included Samsung ARM processor based on the CPU board development of th
- 以实验二十二为基础,做如下的改进。 (1) 求出四路通道的平均值,并绘制在显示屏上(平均值应该象其他通道的值一样,可以根据实时采集值的变化而变化)。 (2) 报警,在超出阈值时报警一次,如果此后此通道的值不变则不再报警,若此通道的值被调小为小于阈值而后又被调为大于阈值,则再次报警一次。 (3) 结合实验十八,设置时间和日期初值,并实时显示在LCD上(同各通道的值同屏显示)。并能够在整点的时候发声提示。 - Take tests 22 as the foundation, make
- 该代码是44B0的8019的例子,已经再ADS上调试通过-the code is the 8019 44B0 example, is no longer on debugging through ADS
- 里面是利用ADSP-BF533通过I2C总路线进行图像采集的源代码,此程序在现有板子上跑过没问题-use ADSP-BF533 through I2C line image collection of source code, This procedure of the existing plank on which once ran no problem
- FS4510开发板示例程序 demo5_pre----中断服务程序 串口驱动 演示的功能包括中断 定时器 串口 它提供了可以在 FS4510板子上运行的参考代码 文件说明 demo5_pre.apj 为 SDT2.51 的项目文件 汇编格式 init.s 为初始化文件 lcd.c LCD驱动文件 demo5.c 主程序 包含定时器初始化和 timer0 和 timer1 的使用 包含中断服务程序 uart.c 串口驱动
- arm_s3c2410无操作系统的源码---写linux驱动的好资料-arm_s3c2410 no source operating system Linux -- was driven by good data
- Chinese No.1 CPU Loongson 2E datasheet,support national CPU design
- D169 Demo - DMA0 Repeated Burst to-from RAM, Software Trigger Descr iption A 32 byte block from 220h-240h is transfered to 240h-260h using DMA0 in a burst block using software DMAREQ trigger. After each transfer, source, destination and DMA
- RS232.C was written to provide all of the basic functionality needed to employ serial I/O in any application written with Borland C language compilers. Some features are: 1. Ease of use. No assembly language or library files are use
- 诺基亚的手机上都有这个游戏,现在我把它移到ARM上来的,没有手机照样能玩。用ARM_SDT2.51开发的嵌入在ARM里.-Nokia mobile phones have this game and now I moved it onto the ARM, no phone can still play. ARM_SDT2.51 used in the development of embedded ARM Lane.
- Lwip1.14在S3C2440上,非操作系统的移植,网络芯片为cs8900。开发工具为MDK4.0。经过验证通过。-Lwip-1.14 ports on the S3C2440 whith NO OS, net driver is CS8900. Development tools for the MDK4.0. Validated through.
- s3c6410x的irom的说明(application Note),v1版本。在6410的手册里面压根没讲! 找了好久了,在csdn上下的,害得我最后一个积分也弄没了!只要大家能用上就值了!-s3c6410x of irom note (application Note), v1 version. Which are fundamentally in the 6410 manual did not talk about! Looking for a long time, and in th
- STemWin无操作1.5listview可自由添加滚动条宽度-STemWin no operation 1.5listview can freely add the scroll bar width