- 用于arm2410开发系统,使用时间中断产生脉冲信号,可测试系统可测试的最短信号-for arm2410 development system, the use of time interrupt pulse signal test system may be the shortest test signal
- 本文从学习者的角度出发,分别描述了下面几部分内容: ARM编程的基本知识,BOOT 代码流程和功能分析,OS 中断程序的编写举例 和 BOOT 代码的流程图,希望这些内容能为初学ARM 的朋友拨开迷雾,以最快 的速度和最短的时间走进嵌入世界的大们-From the learner point of view, describe the contents of the following sections: ARM basic knowledge of programming, BOO
- 对出厂程序进行了改进,开发坏境为iar6.10基于arm7的电脑鼠算法程序,可快速求的最短路径和冲刺。-Release procedure has been improved, the development of bad environment for iar6.10 algorithm program based on the the arm7 The computer mouse, you can quickly seek the shortest path and Sprint.