- linux的qt上实现的一个模拟手机视频播放器的功能-The qt linux analog phones to achieve a functional video player
- 在运行嵌入式Linux系统的、支持屏幕点击功能的手机上,如果由于某些原因导致点击与鼠标位置失准,可以用该程序重新定位。-Cell phones that running on embedded Linux system, which support the function of the screen click, if for some reason clicking with the mouse lead to inaccurate location, this application ca
- 嵌入式系统的硬件设计。是英文原版资料,很详实和实用-Embedded computer systems literally surround us: they re in our cell phones, PDAs, cars, TVs, refrigerators, heating systems, and more. In fact, embedded systems are one of the most rapidly growing segments of the computer i
- 在linuxMobile上实现命令行程序,类似于windows的CMD。主要用于Motorola linux系统手机。-In linuxMobile to achieve command line program similar to the windows of the CMD. Motorola linux system is mainly used in mobile phones.
- 这是一个基于Qt for Embedded Linux 4.5.0的无线即时通信系统。该系统在UP-NETARM2410-S+无线网卡硬件平台上,基于Qt嵌入式Linux开源平台开发了QMsg无线通讯软件。该软件是一个IPMessenger协议的Qt4版本实现,可用于各类PDA, PSP,智能手机等手持式设备,以及PC机之间的即时通信和文件传输。-This is based on Qt for the Embedded Linux 4.5.0 of wireless instant messag
- FM2010芯片是基于迷你阵列麦克风(SAM)专利技术的,采用空间滤波技术、远/近距离定向拾取声音信号、抑制声学噪声、消除声学回声的低功耗低成本的单芯片。本文将介绍迷你阵列麦克风技术在手持通信产品中的设计要点、FM2010芯片主要功能,及其在GSM手机中的典型应用。 本人提供全套FM2010调试用时的芯片手册,参数调试手册,寄存器手册,及固件程序。-FM2010 chip is based on the mini-array microphone (SAM) patented techno
- 在MINI2440的开发板上连接一个GSM模块,在qt的图形界面上有类似于手机的发送短信界面,可以轻松的实现拨打电话和发送信息的功能。-In MINI2440 development board connected to a GSM module, qt graphical interface on mobile phones to send text messages have a similar interface, you can easily achieve the function c
- Zigbee Light Link 应用程序代码 智能家居解决方案-ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) is a global standard for interoperable and easy-to-use consumer lighting and control products. It provides the consumer with new lighting functionality, including remote control, programmabl
- DMC-2440-G采用一款基于ARM920T 内核的CPU S3C2440A-40构成一个完整的嵌入式系统开发平台。S3C2440A-40主频达到400MHZ,提供64M的SDRAM和256M的NAND FLASH,以及丰富的外设接口。该平台适用于GPS,PDA,MID,移动电视,智能手机,手持设备,平板电脑和广告机等消费类电子产品以及工业控制等领域。支持LINUX2.6和WinCE5.0操作系统。 WinCE5.0驱动支持:IDE/ATA, IIC,USB 摄像头,SD卡, USB 无线
- Sansung Odin tool special for flashing phones