- 8051参考设计,可以在fpga上实现51单片机-8051 reference design, they simply can achieve 51 MCU
- 含有:多时钟系统设计,如何处理建立保持时间,如何处理内部三态电路,消除组合逻辑产生的毛刺,用单片机配置fpga-contain : multi-clock system design, how to deal with the establishment and maintenance of the time, how to handle the internal three-state circuit, Elimination of the combinational logic Burr,
- 基于FPGA设计ADC0809采样控制器原代码-FPGA-based design ADC0809 Sampling Controller source
Board.ALtera FPGA Cyclone III开发电路图
- ALtera FPGA Cyclone III开发电路图,对初学者设计此类FPGA有重要参考价值,ALtera FPGA Cyclone III development of schematics, such FPGA design for beginners have important reference value
- 电子设计竞赛二等奖,SPWM信号发生器微控制器STC89C52的源代码,包括仪器前面板的管理(4*4键盘扫描和12864液晶显示),以及模拟SPI接口向FPGA发送控制字。-Electronic Design Competition Award, SPWM signal generator, microcontroller STC89C52 source code, including the management of the instrument front panel (4* 4 keyb
- 驱动192*64的液晶屏,通过使用FPGA译码可以实现对液晶屏的三个分区的读写操作,进而实现复杂的程序设计-Driver 192* 64 LCD screen, through the use of FPGA decoding can be achieved on the LCD screen of the three Divisions to read and write operation, and proceed to realize the complexity of the progr
- 256级灰度LED点阵屏显示原理及基于FPGA的电路设计-256 gray-scale screen display LED dot-matrix theory and circuit design based on FPGA
- 该文档是我大学的毕业设计,一个频率计的设计实例,原创,里面还有实物的图片!其中用到单片机和FPGA相结合的方案!-The document that I graduated from the University of Design, a design example of frequency, originality, there is also kind of picture! Which used a combination of MCU and FPGA program!
- DA算法中的使用的查找表模块,本程序先设计查找表,然后设计4*4DA算法模块,之后进行位扩展和字扩展得到32阶滤波器程序.附带4各表,和FIR滤波器序数-DA algorithm used in the lookup table module, the design of the program first look-up table, and then design 4* 4DA algorithm module, after the word-bit expansion and extens
- 传统的波形发生器采用模拟技术的方法,这种方法构成的波形发生器电路结构复杂,仅能产生正弦波、方波、锯齿波和三角波等几种简单波形。而现在在高科技领域,我们需要的可能是一些任意波形,如在保密雷达发波等军事方面和地震波形、汽车碰撞波形等模拟仿真应用方面。任意波形发生器现在被广泛用于自动控制系统、振动激励、仪器仪表领域。我国目前在这方面还比较落后,特别是在用DDS技术实现任意波形发生器方面。本课题我们打算用DDS技术基于FPGA核心板设计一个任意波形发生器。该仪器我们用LabVIEW来写的控制面板实现与F
- 欧洲航天局的总结报告--FPGA设计指南,简单并且系统地介绍了FPGA的开发流程,英文版。-The European Space Agency Final Report- FPGA Design Guide, a simple and systematic introduction to FPGA-development process and English.
- 本设计运用了基于 Nios II 嵌入式处理器的 SOPC 技术。系统以 ALTERA 公司的 Cyclone II 系列 FPGA 为数字平台,将微处理器、Avalon 总线、LED 点阵扫描控制器、存储器和人机接口控制器等硬件设备集中在一片 FPGA 上,利用片内硬件来实现 LED 点阵的带地址扫描,降低系统总功耗和简化 CPU 编程的同时,提高了系统的精确度、稳定性和抗干扰性能。-This design used the Nios II embedded processor based o
- 该高频正弦信号发生器基于直接数字频率合成(DDS)和数字锁相环技术(DPLL),以微控制器(MCU)和现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)为核心,辅以必要的外围电路设计而成。系统主要由正弦信号发生、红外遥控、高速模数(A/D)-数模(D/A)转换、信号调制和后级处理等模块组成。-The high-frequency sinusoidal signal generator based on Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) and digital PLL (DPLL), a
- : 为了将液晶显示器( L C D) 用于军用设备和一些特殊领域, 采用工, _ l k N . F P G A, ~片, 自 行设计L C D显示 驱动逻辑, 研制一种能够可靠工作于. 4 0 ~ + 6 5 ℃的L C D显示驱动器。 该显示驱动器能够接收隔行扫描 诵视 曩 信号 。 逝待去隔行和缩放处理 。 买现清聚显示。 簧通过 蔷低温头验o-: For the liquid crystal display (LCD) used in military equipment a
- The design of the All Digital FM Receiver circuit in this project uses Phase Locked Loop (PLL) as the main core. The task of the PLL is to maintain coherence between the input (modulated) signal frequency,iωand the respective output frequency,oωvia p
- 基于FPGA多通道采样系统设计论文资料,特地发出来,希望对不熟悉这块的朋友有帮助吧!单片机学习网:http://www.emcuc.com,欢迎大家转载!-Based on FPGA multi-channel sampling system design paper data, specially issued to the hope that friends are not familiar with this! MCU Learning Network: http://www.emcuc.
- 基于FPGA的I2C总线控制器的设计论文2-The I2C bus controller design based on FPGA. 2
- FPGA设计中如何避免冒险竞争教程,办法简单详细-FPGA design competition tutorials on how to avoid risk, simple way in detail
- Xilinx System Generator for DSP is a MATLAB Simulink block set that facilitates system design. Targeting Xilinx FPGAs within the familiar MATLAB environment, System Generator for DSP gives you the ability to functionally simulate a design and use
- Xilinx虚拟连接,这是一种基于TCP/IP协议的通信技术,以实现JTAG功能,通过这样的连接,可以访问开发的FPGA或者SOC,而不需要通过传统的JTAG电缆。(Xilinx Virtual Cable (XVC) is a TCP/IP-based communication protocol that acts like a JTAG cable and provides a means to access and debug your FPGA or SoC design wi