- ucosii 移植到s1c33平台的3个关键文件 其中os_cpu_a.s 是 os_cpu_a.c 汇编优化 用一个就可以了-ucosii s1c33 platform transplanted to the three key documents which are os_cpu_a.s os_cpu_a.c optimization with a compilation, on the
- UCOS/II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS/II is 2.04 - the original port was done by Ole Saether for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard ported one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did another port (using Jens port as a start?). This
- 1. 本移植也是从网上Download的,稍微做了一下整理. 移植除了OS_CPU.h,OS_CPU_A.s,OS_CPU_C.C 三个函数外 对中断专门用了一个函数OS_int_A.s 按其中的规则 写中断函数即可 2。应用实例为\\ArmUCOS\\App\\test1\\test.mcp,在周立功2104的扳子上 的ram中就可直接运行(code+data<16K), 注意使用了.a库文件 (我习惯这么用) 3. 将所有的文件放到D:\\ArmUCOS\\下,这样上面的文件能直接编译
- 这个事ucos在Intel 80x86系列处理器上的移植代码部分,包括os_cpu.c os_cpu.h os_cpu_a.s-Ucos this matter in the Intel 80x86 family of processors code of transplantation, including os_cpu.c os_cpu.h os_cpu_a.s
- ucos移植到LPC2100系列的代码,包括标准版ARM移植代码和高效版ARM移植代码。文件有:OS_CPU.H Os_cpu_a.s Os_cpu_c.c IRQ.inc-ucos transplanted to LPC2100 series of code, including Standard Edition, version of ARM porting code and efficient portable code for ARM. Documents: OS_CPU.H Os_cp
- uCOS-II的一些C语言编程实例,主要是针对嵌入式开发的,希望对你有所启发。-uCOS-II some of the C language programming examples, mainly for embedded development, and hope to inspire you.
- ucosii移植到LPC2138,主要包括OS_CPU.H,OS_CPU_C.C,OS_CPU_A.ASM三个文件的编写,完全实现了任务的切换-the ucosii ported to LPC2138, including the OS_CPU.H, OS_CPU_C.C, OS_CPU_A.ASM three files to write, the full realization of the task switching
- 飞思卡尔mc9s12g48/g64/g128 ucos-ii2.91代码移植实例 OS_CPU.H配置简单 OS_CPU_A.ASM尽量简化将两个关键函数放在OS_CPU_C.C中实现-Freescale mc9s12g48/g64/g128 ucos-ii2.91 code examples OS_CPU.H transplant simple OS_CPU_A.ASM try to simplify the configuration of the two key functions