- 基于S3C44B0X开发的一个校园导航系统,可显示两点间的路线,部分地点的信息提示,通过键盘和触摸屏交互,界面美观大方。-S3C44B0X based on the development of a campus navigation system, can show that the line between the two points, information on the location of some suggest, through the keyboard and touch-s
- 当手指或笔触摸屏幕时,平常相互绝缘的两层导电层就在触摸 点位置有了一个接触,因其中一面导电层接通X轴方向的5V均匀电压场(图a) ,使得检测层的电压由零变为非零,控制器侦测到这个接通后,进行A/D转换 ,并将得到的电压值与5V相比即可得触摸点的X轴坐标为(原点在靠近接地点 的那端):Xi=Lx*Vi / V(即分压原理)同理得出Y轴的坐标,这就是所有电 阻技术触摸屏共同的最基本原理。-finger or pen to touch the screen, usually two
- 使用多任务,每个任务监视一路AD 转换,每一路AD 转换的结果在触摸屏上用一个波表来表示,直观地显示每路AD 的结果。可以通过文本框给每路AD 设置警戒值,超出警戒之后超出的部分会以闪动的方式显示。-use multi-task, each task surveillance all the way AD converter. Each road AD converter results in the touch screen with a wave form, visual way to sh
- 在触摸屏上设置三个按钮,表示三种画板功能:直线、圆和任意手绘线,选择一种功能 后,即可以以这种功能开始用手指在触摸屏上画图。 -Touchscreen in the installation of three button and slate of three functions : straight lines, circles and arbitrary hand-painted lines, choose a function, we can begin to function as
ucosPucgui 在ADS1.2中开发的基于S3C2440的触摸屏中断
- 在ADS1.2中开发的基于S3C2440的触摸屏中断、ucos、ucGUI全部有效,已结合到一起。ucGUI仅仅在屏幕中显示文本。具体看main.c文件-In ADS1.2 in the development of touch-screen based S3C2440 interruption, ucos, ucGUI all effective, has to come together. ucGUI only display text on the screen. Specifically
STM32UCOSGUI.STM32F103 ucos+gui 加触摸屏
- STM32F103 ucos+gui 加触摸屏,不过屏是320*240的16屏跑起来就有点慢了。,STM32F103 ucos+ gui plus touch screen, but the screen is 320* 240 screen 16 bit running on slow.
- UC/OS-II移植到s3c2440代码,包括串口,lcd,蜂鸣器,触摸屏led,UC/OS-II ported to s3c2440 code, including the serial port, lcd, buzzer, led touch screen
- ucos在ARM上的移植,lcd驱动,触摸屏校准,ucos transplantation in the ARM' s, lcd-driven, touch-screen calibration
- 基于嵌入式的五子棋游戏,用到了了触摸技术,在Ucos环境下开发的。-Backgammon game based on embedded, uses the touch technology developed under the Ucos environment.
- 配合STM32芯达开发板,带ucos操作系统,TFT触屏控制。可以用来开发实例参考。-STM32 development board with the core up with ucos operating system, TFT touch screen control. Can be used to develop examples for reference.
- arm2410 ucOS-II操作系统下触摸屏控制程序设计,值得参考-arm2410 ucOS-II operating system, touch screen control program design, it is also useful
- 使用STM32开发板的ucOS+ucGUI环境,这是操作界面代码,实现的是在触摸屏上生成一个信号发生器键盘-This code works under the environment of ucOS+ucGUI,it can realize a keyboard on the touch screen
- 红牛开发板STM32,3.2寸液晶屏带触摸ucos+UCGUI源代码-Red Bull development board STM32, 3.2 inch LCD screen with touch ucos+ UCGUI source code
- 该程序是触摸屏控制电机转动试验,在armlinux下-The program is rotating touch-screen control of the electrical test, in the under arm linux
- 基于ARM9-s3c2410的ucos-ii触摸屏使用源程序,使用之前需要正确配置了ADS1.2。否则无法编译通过,配置ADS1。2为ARM9的资料网上到处都是。-Based on the ARM9-s3c2410 touch screen ucos-ii the use of source code, the use of properly configured before the need ADS1.2. Otherwise it is impossible to compile thro
- 实现触摸屏的相关功能,如两点触控、游戏等-To implement a touch screen-related functions, such as the two touch, games, etc.
- ucos II+ucGUI+s3c2410+LCD+触摸屏整合.doc-ucos II+ ucGUI+ s3c2410+ LCD+ touch screen integration. doc
- ARM开发板的触摸屏驱动程序,可通过超级终端查看屏幕触点的坐标及运动方式-ARM development board of the touch screen driver, you can view the screen contacts via HyperTerminal coordinates and movement pattern
- 基于arm9的,ucos系统的触摸屏驱动源代码及可执行文件-Based the arm9 ucos system touch screen driver source code and executable file
- UCOS2.52下很经典的三星2410arm触摸屏模块驱动程序,根据自己的板子修改一下就可以使用。-Very classic Samsung 2410arm touch screen module drivers under UCOS2.52, according to its own board modify what you can use.