一个适于8位单片机使用的TCPIP---uip源码 uip
- 一个适于8位单片机使用的TCPIP---uip源码 uip-one for 8-bit microcontrollers used in TCPIP --- East source East
- Free Usb Stack for NXP LPC2xxx microcontrollers.
- ucos在摩托罗拉16位微控制器68hc16上的移植-CENTER 16 microcontrollers on the transplant 68hc16
embedded system paper1
- 介绍几种cpuThe 8xC251SA/SB/SP/SQ improves on the MCS-51 architecture and peripheral features, introducing the advanced register based CPU architecture i.e., the MCS 251 microcontroller architecture. The register based CPU supports a 40-byte register file
- 移植到PIC24系列单片机的UCOS 只需要改几个头文件就可以用了-Ported to PIC24 Microcontrollers UCOS only need to change some header files to be used
- Create a PIC18 port of the uC/OS-II real-time kernel. Note here PIC18 port means a version of the real-time kernel, not the I/O port of microcontrollers.
- This program is written in C for AVR Microcontrollers. It is to be compiled witn GCC compiler which is available for Free. The Program is for learning and using LCD 16x2 display for displaying data.
- Small_RTOS1.12.1 51系列单片机的实时操作系统-Small_RTOS1.12.1 51 series of microcontrollers, real-time operating system
- ucosII在freescale MC9S08DZ60上的移植,开发环境是CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.3。该文档包含了一个完整的工程-ucosII on freescale MC9S08DZ60. The development environment is CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.3. The document contains
- 基于瑞萨单片机R8C/1B族单片机的UCOSII的移植,是建立在瑞萨HEW4平台的完整工程代码,很有参考价值!-Renesas MCU family of microcontrollers based on the UCOSII R8C/1B transplant is based on the complete project of Renesas HEW4 platform code, a good reference!
- uCOS-II V2.52在LPC系列ARM微控制器的移植代码-uCOS-II V2.52 ARM microcontrollers in the LPC series of portable code
- uCOS II在飞思卡尔微处理器中的移植应用,目标处理器为MC9S12XDT256,当然也可以很容易移植到HCS12D系列的其他单片机上-uCOS II Freescale microprocessors in portable applications, the target processor MC9S12XDT256, of course, can be easily ported to other microcontrollers on HCS12D Series
- uCOS-II移植到freescale MC9S08上 编译器使用Freescale Codewarrior for Microcontrollers IDE version 6.0-This document shows example code for using μC/OS-II on a Freescale MC9S08 processor.
- 这个程序是4路抢答器的程序,这个程序实现的功能是:当主持人按下抢答键后,参赛选手才可以进行抢答。抢答时能发出声响,并通过七段数码管显示是哪位选手抢答的。这个程序在PIC单片机上测试过,效果良好-This program is 4-way Responder program, this program is to achieve the function: When the host pressed to answer in key, players can only answer in. Res
- NXP公司LPC2378系列ARM单片机的前后台版本和uCOSII版本的模板及其开发工具-NXP' s LPC2378 family of ARM microcontrollers before and after the Taiwan version of the template version and uCOSII and development tools
- 这是我自己做的工程模板。有现成编译好的uCosii, 还有建好的简单工程,只要稍加改动就能实际应用。单片机采用atmega64+64kRAM.-This is my own project templates. There are ready-made compiled uCosii, there is built a simple project, with a little change can be the practical application. Microcontrollers a
- LWIP_TCPIP_Stack for xc166的移植的代码,对lwIP的移植有帮助-Microcontrollers XC167CI lwIP (Light weight) TCP/IP Stack on 16-bit XC167CI
- μC/OS-II是一种可移植的,可植入ROM的,可裁剪的,抢占式的,实时多任务操作系统内核。它被广泛应用于微处理器、微控制器和数字信号处理器。-μC/OS-II is a portable, can be implanted in the ROM, can be cut, preemptive, real-time multitasking operating system kernel. It is widely used in microprocessors, microcontroller
- pico]OS is a highly configurable and very fast real time operating system (RTOS). It targets a wide range of architectures, from very small 8 bit processors and microcontrollers up to very huge platforms. Ports are available for ARM, AVR, PPC, MSP430
- 移植到Kinetis系列单片机KL25上的uc-OSII。-Ported to uc-OSII Kinetis family of microcontrollers KL25 on.