- KX_DVP3F型FPGA应用板/开发板(全套)包括: CycloneII系列FPGA EP2C8Q208C8 40万们,含20M-270MHz锁相环2个。 RS232串行接口;VGA视频口 高速SRAM 512KB。可用于语音处理,NiosII运行等。 配置Flash EPCS2, 10万次烧写周期 。 isp单片机T89S8253:MCS51兼容单片机,12
- 实现开漏输出的并口,支持3.3V或5V,支持FPGA 的PS 配置功能。8位配置数据 自动移位输出,输入时钟24MHz,产生1MHz配置时钟。8位CPU数据总线接口, 11位地址总线。支持IO 的置位清除功能。,The realization of open-drain output of the parallel port, support 3.3V or 5V, support for FPGA configuration of the PS function. 8-bit config
- 以简单的三角波来测试dac芯片LTC2426的功能是否正常.使用的开发板是Xilinx XC3S200AN,使用芯片的转化通道CHO,最后的输出结果为Vp-p大概为3.3V的三角波(Vp-p的大小由参考电压所决定)-A simple triangle wave dac chip to test whether the normal function of the LTC2426. The use of the development board is the Xilinx XC3S200AN,
- 使用SOPC软件及其配置方法,以高速12位串行AD7920实现0-3.3V的ADC转换。 PS2控制器接口模块,把键盘数据通过串口发送到电脑主机上显示哪个键被按下。-Configuration software and its use SOPC approach to high-speed 12-bit serial AD7920 to achieve 0-3.3V the ADC conversion. PS2 controller interface module, the keyboa
- Xinlinx FPGA Spartan3E的供电芯片,提供1.2V,2.5V,3.3V的电源-Xinlinx FPGA Spartan3E power supply chips, to provide 1.2V, 2.5V, 3.3V power supply
- This a SPI for DE_2 board.The file sampling frequency is 20Khz and board frequency used by this 27Mhz.The slaver chip is MCP2302 working under 3.3V.Finally the input analogue voltage for CH0 is between 0V and 3.3V -This is a SPI for DE_2 board.The fi
- 主要一款电源芯片,市面上比较流行。电源处理芯片,最大输出电流为3A,输出电压为3.3V。贴片封装-Mainly a power chip, market is more popular. Power supply processing chip, the maximum output current of 3A, 3.3V output voltage. Patch package
- 使用89S52单片机控制AD9854 DDS板产生正弦信号,单片机接口采用5V转3.3V元件74LVC4245-89S52 microcontroller control of AD9854 DDS board to produce a sinusoidal signal, the microcontroller interface, 5V to 3.3V components 74LVC4245
- 对于信号发生器给出的方波信号作为待处理的信号,通过程序可以提取第一个脉冲,将后面的滤去。注意信号发生器给出的方波幅 值大概在3.3V左右,满足和FPGA的接口电平匹配。-The back of the filtered square wave signal given by the signal generator as a signal to be processed by the program can extract a pulse. Note that the square ampl
- 程序实现6位计数器,000000~999999,有一个使能信号en,将使能信号en由FPGA的引脚68接入,使用信号发生器产生方波,en信号为1的时候计数器计数,对于输入方波的幅值调为3.3V,可发现计数器计数一段时间会停止,然后接着计数。-Program six counters, 000000 999999, an enable signal en enable signal en by the FPGA pin 68 access, using the signal generator t
- 使用10位串行DA芯片TLC5615将数字信号转换为模拟信号,开发板DA芯片VDD=5V,VREF=3.3V 计算公式:Vout=VREF*(N/1024) N为10位二进制码-Use DA chip TLC5615 10 serial digital signal into an analog signal, the board DA chip VDD = 5V, VREF = 3.3V formula: Vout = VREF* (N/1024) N is 10-bit binary
- 本板共有5个LED, 其中D1是板载3.3V指示灯; D2-D5是FPGA的IO口控制;在上电烧录程序后, D1点亮表示电源正常; 其余4个LED依次能够点亮表明硬件完好。-This Board consists of 5 LED, where D1 is the onboard 3.3V indicator D2-D5 FPGA IO mouth control power on after-burning program, D1 point light indicates that pow
- 根据血液对光的吸收程度,通过感光器来收集数据,来测试心跳。 TSL235 感光器,放在手指下面,手指上面用光照,从而收集数据。需要配合配件TSL235 感光器,电路板,电阻。-You are going to interface a TSL235 to the FPGA. The TSL235 is a light-to-frequency converter whose output digital bitstream frequency is directly proportional
- 使用10位串行DA芯片TLC5615将数字信号转换为模拟信号,开发板DA芯片VDD=5V,VREF=3.3V 计算公式:Vout=VREF*(N/1024) N为10位二进制码 最后使用开发板上AD芯片TLC549将电压显示于数码管上-use 10 serial DA TLC5615 and display on digital tube
- 使用10位串行DA芯片TLC5615将数字信号转换为模拟信号,开发板DA芯片VDD=5V,VREF=3.3V 计算公式:Vout=VREF*(N/1024) N为10位二进制码 ** 操作过程:根据需求,在程序改变10位二进制数,在DA芯片的Vout脚输出相应电压-breath led