- fpga 51核,这个是我老师写的,现在就是输入输出io是分别定义的,希望能给大家提供一点帮助!-fpga 51 nuclear, this is written by my teacher, this is the input and output, respectively, the definition of io is the hope that we can provide a little help!
- 1) 主芯片:Altera 的FLEX10K20TC144-4 STC89C58RD+。 2) 要求扩展键盘接口电路,可以实现电子琴的一般功能,进行乐曲的手动演奏,此外还应该具有存储功能,可以将演奏的乐曲进行存储并在人工控制下进行回放。 3) 完成系统方案设计。 4) 编制相应的VHDL程序并进行相应的仿真工作,完成系统的调试工作。 5) 编写51系统程序,完成初始化、系统控制等功能。 6) 利用51系统实现系统的在线配置。 7) 发挥部分 可以进行乐曲的自动演奏。
- 在FPGA上嵌入51内核,通过修改可以直接在板子上使用的。-FPGA to 51, through the modified kernel embedded can be directly in the board of use.
- 这是一个51单片机嵌入在FPGA中的ip核,这个核它完全兼容我们普通的8051单片机,也就是说程序在这个上面一样可以跑起来-This is a 51 microcontroller embedded in the FPGA in the ip core, the core is fully compatible with our ordinary 8051, that the program can run up the same as above
- 可以在短时间内对你熟悉51的结构,起很大的指导作用,可以综合通过的。-In a short time you are familiar with the structure of 51, played a great guide can be integrated to pass.
- s1. 所设计数字钟具有“时”、“分”、“秒”的十进制数字显示(小时从00~23)。 2. 可以进行手动校时、校分功能。 3. 能进行整点报时。从59分51秒开始每隔2秒钟连续发出四次低音“嘟。嘟、嘟、嘟”,,最后一次发出高音“嗒”。此信号响起时即达整点。 -you can see see
- 模拟I2c的源程序,可以用51来控制传输数据-Analog I2c the source can be used to control the transmission of data 51
- -- This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 -- of the License, or (at your option) any later ver
- VerilogHDL编译基本功能具有“秒”、“分”、“时”计时功能,小时按24小时制计时。具有校时功能,能对“分”和“小时”进行调整。扩展功能 仿广播电台正点报时。在59分51秒、53秒、55秒、57秒发出低音512Hz信号,在59分59秒时发出一次高音1024Hz信号,音响持续1秒钟,在1024Hz音响结束时刻为整点。 定时控制,其时间自定; 可任意设定时间的闹钟 自动报整点小时数 小时显示:可切换12小时/24小时显示-VerilogHDL compile the ba
- 用51单片机的定时计数器0脉冲进行计数,并用LCD1602显示,如果脉冲特性好,精度可以达到1Hz,带宽1Hz-50KHz(系统时钟12M)-With 51 SCM timing counter pulse count, and 0 LCD1602 shows that if the pulse, precision can reach 1Hz, 1Hz bandwidth 50KHz- 12M clock (system).
- VHDL编写的51单片机软核,支持在Modelsim下仿真,仿真可直接运行HEX文件,v0.1,后续版本还在开发中。 Craftor原创,仅供学习和交流使用。-51-compatible soft-core, written in VHDL, can be simulated in ModelSim and execute HEX file。 By Craftor
- 51单片机程序代码可以共享,需要的继续练习-51 microcontroller code can be shared
- /* * Yet Another Dynamic Memory Controller * Copyright (C) 2008 Sebastien Bourdeauducq - http://lekernel.net * This file is part of Milkymist. * * Milkymist is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms
- impulse 实现的fir 51阶C语言编程,可转换为HDL语言-The impulse to realize fir 51 order the C programming language, can convert to HDL language
- dds(9850)测试程序和基本资料,更重要的是又一个能计算频率控制字的软件,具体用法试一下就会做了的,用的是51系列单片机控制的-dds (9850) test procedures and basic information, more importantly, they can calculate a frequency control word of the software, try the specific use will be made, and with the 51 seri
- 采用51单片机模拟i2c,驱动24c64,可以直接应用。-With 51 single-chip analog i2c, driver 24c64, can be applied directly.
- 基于51单片机的编程,产生200ms方波,利用示波器可以观察到方波的产生,如果接LED灯,可以看到灯的亮息变化-Based on 51 single-chip programming, resulting in 200ms square wave, the oscilloscope can be observed using a square wave generation, if then LED lights, you can see the bright lights change int
- 非常好用的51单片机驱动DDS AD9851串行程序,已编译通过,能过使用!-Very nice 51 Microprocessor DDS AD9851 program, compiled by, can live with!
- 频率计,51单片机用计数器做的,可以用来测频率。一般的课程设计可能会有用。-Frequency counter, the counter to do with the microcontroller 51 can be used to measure the frequency. The general curriculum design may be useful.
- 实现频率计的功能,频率测量范围是100HZ到10M.采用fpag与单片机结合。-FPGA and MCU combination to achieve frequency meter function, it can count on the accuracy of frequency, and to achieve the corresponding function, can complete technology and achieve frequency.