- I2C 总线协议通过两线串行数据SDA 和串行时钟SCL 线在连接到总线的器件间传递信息,每个器件都有一个唯一的地址识别,而且都可以作为一个发送器或接收器.-Through the two-wire I2C serial bus protocol data SDA and serial clock SCL line is connected to the bus transfer information between devices, each device has a unique addr
- VHDL语言编写的I2C通信接口,可与单片机等MCU相连,只占用很少的引脚线完成数据的传输-Written in VHDL I2C communication interface, such as MCU and MCU can be connected, only takes a few lines to complete the data transmission pin
- Arduino Program for pulsing the brightness of an LED connected to a MAX5822 DAC chip to Arduino Duemilanove Microcontroller. 88 is the I2C address of the DAC chip, Please refer to MAXIM s official datasheet for better understanding of the DAC
- i2cSlave is a minimalist I2C slave IP core that provides the basic framework for the implementation of custom I2C slave devices. The core provides a means to read and write up to 256 8-byte registers. These registers can be connected to the users
- I2C控制源码 用于摄像头的信号传输和控制。 在使用时FPGA需要接上上拉电阻否则无效-I2C control source signal transmission and control for the camera. When using the pull-up resistor connected FPGA requires otherwise invalid