- It s a programm to send simple data from computer to MCS-51 device by RS232.
- 十字路口车辆穿梭,行人熙攘,车行车道,人行人道,有条不紊。那么靠什么来实现这井然秩序呢?靠的就是交通信号灯的自动指挥系统。交通信号灯控制方式很多。本系统采用MCS-51系列单片机AT89C51为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,实现了能根据实际车流量通过8051芯片的P3口设置红、绿灯燃亮时间的功能;红绿灯循环点亮,倒计时剩5秒时黄灯闪烁警示(交通灯信号通过P1口输出,显示时间通过P0口输出至双位数码管)。本系统设计周期短、可靠性高、实用性强、操作简单、维护方便、扩展功能强。 -The interse
- The 8051 microcontroller is member of MCS-51 family, originally designed in the 1980 s by Intel. The 8051 has gained great popularity since its introduction and is estimated it is used in a large percentage of all embedded system products. The basic
- The resource code of The 8051 microcontroller is member of MCS-51 family, originally designed in the 1980's by Intel. The 8051 has gained great popularity since its introduction and is estimated it is used in a large percentage of all embedded system