- 采用Quatus II编译环境,使用Verilog HDL语言编写实现了五段流水线CPU。 能够完成以下二十二条指令(均不考虑虚拟地址和Cache,并且默认为小端方式): add rd,rs,rt addu rd,rs,rt addi rt,rs,imm addiu rt,rs,imm sub rd,rs,rt subu rd,rs,rt nor rd,rs,rt xori rt,rs,imm clo rd,rs clz rd,rs slt rd,rs,rt sltu rd,
- Universal Asynchronous RT in VHDL.
- The first three examples illustrate the difference between RTL FSMD model (Finite State Machine with Datapath buildin) and RTL FSM + DataPath model. From view of RT level design, each digital design consists of a Control Unit (FSM) and a Datapath. Th
- 用Verilog编写的串口收发程序,通过参数调整,就可以设定/更改波特率,收发数据长度,已调试。-Serial transceivers with Verilog program, prepared by adjusting parameters, you can set/change the baud rate, send and receive data length, is debugging.
- 用Verilog HDL语言或VHDL语言来编写,实现多周期CPU设计。能够完成以下二十二条指令。(均不考虑虚拟地址和Cache,并且默认为大端方式): add rd, rs, rt addu rd, rs, rt addi rt, rs, imm addiu rt, rs, imm sub rd, rs, rt subu rd, rs, rt nor rd, rs, rt xori rt, rs, imm clo clz slt rd, rs, rt
- 用verilog HDL语言或者VHDL语言来编写,实现多时钟周期CPU的设计。能够完成以下二十二条指定(均不考虑虚拟地址和Cache,并且默认为小端方式): add rd, rs, rt addu rd, rs, rt addi rt, rs, imm addiu rt, rs, imm sub rd, rs, rt subu rd, rs, rt nor rd, rs, rt xori rt, rs, imm clo clz slt rd, rs,
- 用verilog HDL语言或者VHDL语言来编写,实现单周期CPU的设计。能够完成以下十六条指定: add rd, rs, rt addu rd, rs, rt addi rt, rs, imm addiu rt, rs, imm sub rd, rs, rt subu rd, rs, rt nor rd, rs, rt xori rt, rs, imm clo clz slt rd, rs, rt sltu rd, rs, rt slti
- 七段数码管译码器.(Verilog)[FPGA]第一个Verilog程序,七段共阴数码管摸索了好几天,终于能完成敲入代码、综合、仿真、绑定引脚至下载的全套工作了 -. 七段数码管的lookup table module SEG7_LUT ( input [3:0] iDIG, output reg [6:0] oSEG ) always@(iDIG) begin case(iDIG) 4 h1: oSEG = 7 b1111
- MIL-1553B RT controller output shown in BC(RT-BC) VHDL code
- Simple Bridge (ESD book figure 2.14) by Weijun Zhang, 04/2001 RT level design using Controller(FSM) + DataPath- Simple Bridge (ESD book figure 2.14) by Weijun Zhang, 04/2001 RT level design using Controller(FSM) + DataPath
- GCD CALCULATOR (ESD book figure 2.11) Weijun Zhang, 04/2001 we can put all the components in one document(gcd2.vhd) or put them in separate files this is the example of RT level modeling (FSM + DataPath) the code is synthesize
- B61580 1553B RT模式配置,芯片驱动控制程序-B61580 1553B RT
- 芯片驱动控制程序 61580 1553b rt-61580 1553b rt
- 61580 1553b rt 芯片驱动程序 地址-61580 1553b rt address