- Fun little FPGA that plays a portion of Habanera
- 毕业设计vhdl论文的先期工作。对于大学毕业设计论文有重要作用-Graduate design vhdl advance work papers. For the university graduation thesis plays an important role
- OFDM的接收器的FPGA实现,通信中具有重要作用-OFDM receiver of the FPGA implementation, communication plays an important role in
- 单片机数码管动静态显示程序实验,数码管显示一般分静态显示及动态显示两种驱动方式,静态显示占用口线比较多,本文介绍的是如何实现数码管动态显示,应该说数码管动态显示是单片机外部指令输出的重要途径,因此如何设计数码管以及数码管的工作原理、数码管显示的方法、数码管显示的抗干扰设计等在单片机系统设计中占有重要地位。-Static and dynamic digital display chip experimental procedure, the general sub-digital display
- POC is one of the most common I/O modules, namely the parallel output controller. It plays the role of an interface between the computer system bus and the peripheral (such as a printer or other output devices).-A parallel output controller
- 该设计使用了Nios II系统来演示如何从SD卡读取。该软件从SD卡读取WAV文件并播放它通过LINE OUT线。简单地把SD卡插入插槽,在板子上,并连接音箱的LINE OUT端口。-This designs uses a Nios II system to demonstrate how to read from the SD card. The software reads WAV files from the SD card and plays it through the LINE OU
- 1. 伪随机序列概述 在扩展频谱通信系统中,伪随机序列起着十分关键的作用。在直接序列扩频系统得发射端,伪随机序列将信息序列的频谱扩展,在接收端,伪随机序列将扩频信号恢复为窄带信号,进而完成信息的接收。 -1. The pseudo-random sequence Overview, pseudo-random sequence plays a very crucial role in the spread spectrum communication system. Obtained i
- Image compression is one of the prominent topics in image processing that plays a very important role in reducing image size for real-time transmission and storage. Many of the standards recommend the use of DWT for image compression. The compu
- Verilog example of a program that plays some tones when connected to a speaker. Implemmented in FPGA Nexys3
- 本代码为Altera DE2开发板例程源码,(FPGA:EP2C35F672C6)quartus II 9.0以上可以编译(随板源码为7.2以下版本,在9.0以上版本编译会报错)。本代码实现一个音视频播放器TV_BOX。-This demonstration plays video and audio input a DVD player using the VGA output and audio CODEC on the DE2 board. There are two major bl
- 该资料基于FPGA,采用verilog语言,完成AD7765芯片的模数转换,AD7765可实现24位精度的高速采集,在出自信号处理中占有重要的地位-The information on FPGA, using verilog language, complete chip AD7765 analog-to-digital conversion, AD7765 can achieve 24-bit precision high-speed acquisition, plays an importa
- 产生一个sin信号,能够作为载波信号,在实验中有着重要的作用。-Generate a sin signal, can be used as a carrier signal, it plays an important role in the experiment.