- vga编程。实现3种模式的vga控制,分别产生横彩条,竖彩条,棋格彩条的显示-vga programming. Realization of the three-mode vga control, generate horizontal color of the color of the shaft, and the chess grid color of the show
- 基于fpga的逻辑分析仪可显示八路波形,实时分析八路波形 -they simply based on the logic analyzer can show that the Eighth Route Army waveform, real-time waveform analysis of the Eighth Route Army
- 工作原理: 脉冲输入,记录30个脉冲的间隔时间(总时间),LED显示出来,牵涉到数码管的轮流点亮,以及LED的码。输入端口一定要用个 74LS14整一下,图上没有。数码管使用共阴数码管。MAXPLUS编译。 测试时将光电门的信号端一块连接到J2口的第三管脚,同时第一管脚为地,应该与光电门的地连接(共地)。 开始测试: 按下按键,应该可以见到LED被点亮,指示可以开始转动转动惯量盘,等遮光片遮挡30次光电门后, LED熄灭,数码管有数字显示,此为时间值,单位为秒,与智
- AD0809的源程序,能使EDA工具箱显示AD0809,具备树模转换功能-AD0809 a source, EDA can show AD0809 a toolbox, with tree-analog converter function
- 將正在順時針或逆時針旋轉的步進馬達目前角度顯示在LCM上。-will is clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation of the stepper motor show in the current perspective on the LCM.
- 加法器 乘法器电路 除法器电路设计 键盘扫描电路设计 显示电路-Adder multiplier circuit divider circuit design keyboard scan circuit design show circuit, etc.
- LED控制VHDL程序与仿真 分别介绍采用FPGA对LED进行静态和动态显示的数字时钟控制程序-LED control procedures and VHDL simulation briefed on the use of FPGA LED static and dynamic significantly the figures show clock control procedures
- 通过VHDL语言编写的计数器程序,可以在一吗器显示管上分段显示小时,分,秒,并且可以分别清零-VHDL prepared by the Counter procedures, in a yet-tube shown above show hours, and seconds can be reset respectively
- 通过UART从PC主机读取图片数据,并完成图片在VGA显示器上的显示-through UART from the host PC to read image data, and complete picture of the VGA display on the show
- //led.v /*------------------------------------- LED显示模块:led(CLK,AF,ADDR,DATA) 功能: 显示 注意事项: 8位LED 参数: CLK:扫妙时钟输入,推荐1kHz AF:数码管输出,a~h ADDR:数码管选择位数出,0~2 DATA:显示数据输入0~9999 9999 编写人: 黄道斌 编写日期: 2006/07/13 ----------------
- 数字式移相信号发生器可以产生预置频率的正弦信号,也可产生预置相位差的两路同频正弦信号,并能显示预置频率或相位差值;-digital phase shifting generator can produce preset frequency sinusoidal signal, Preferences may also have phase difference with the way the two-frequency sinusoidal signal, and can show that
- 是我们在在实验室做的摸60计数,并用LED显示出来。-is done in the laboratory in the loss of 60 counts, and LED show.
- SED1330/1335/1336/E1330液晶显示控制器及51汇编源程序.液晶显示程序,显示图形及汉字.-SED1330/1335/1336/E1330 LCD controller and the source of 51 Series procedures. LCD procedures, and show pictures of Chinese characters.
- Quartus环境下的7段译码管的扫描显示电路-Quartus environment of the seven decoding of the scan show circuit
- 用veilog HDL编的七段译码显示电路。自己做的第一个此类程序,编译仿真通过,感觉不错-veilog HDL series with paragraph 107 of the decoder show circuit. I have done the first such procedure, compile through simulation, feeling good
- ps/2键盘输入的字符在VGA上进行显示. 本示例是将ps/2键盘输入的字符在VGA上进行显示。在做此实验之前最好先学习PS2键盘接口。-ps / 2 keyboard input of the characters in VGA on the show. This example is to ps / 2 keyboard input characters VGA website on the show. Do this before the experiment started lear
- 本示例演示了VGA的控制方法,程序配置后可以在CRT上显示中文汉字等信息。-this example demonstrated the VGA control methods, procedures after the distribution of CRT Chinese characters on the show and other information.
- 交通灯控制,在A和B方向各用数码管显示剩余的时间.-control traffic lights in the direction of A and B of the digital show the remaining time.
- VHDL实现数字时钟,利用数码管和CPLD 设计的计数器实现一个数字时钟,可以显示小时,分钟,秒。程序主要要靠考虑十进制和六十进制计数器的编写。 以上实验的程序都在源代码中有详细的注释-VHDL digital clock, the use of digital control and CPLD design to achieve a number of counter clock, show hours, minutes and seconds. The procedure depends
- 7. IIC 接口EEPROM 存取实验 按动开发板键盘某个键CPLD 将拨码开关的数据写入EEPROM 的某个地址,按动另 外一个键,将刚写入的数据读回CPLD,并在数码管上显示。帮助读者掌握I2C 的总线协 议和EEPROM 的读写方法。-7. IIC EEPROM Access Interface Development Board experimental pressed a button keyboard CPLD code will go into the data sw