- FPGA的5B6B编译码器的设计代码可以编译而且有波形图 -5B6B code is used in fiber optic digital communication systems a more extensive line pattern! Data are 5B6B encoding and conversion, and string after the fiber transmission, serial code sequences in continuous bit 0 or b
- 一个是发送单个字符的,一个是发送任意长度字符串的-One is to send a single character, a string of arbitrary length is sent
- 5B6B码是光纤数字通信系统中使用比较广泛的一种线路码型! 数据经过5B6B编码和并串转换后在光纤上传输,串行码序列中连续的比特0或比特1的长度不超过5,数据在0和1之间变换的密度很高,并具有直流平衡的特性,有利于接收电路和时钟恢复电路的设计。-5B6B code is used in fiber optic digital communication systems a more extensive line pattern! Data are 5B6B encoding and conver
- 这是一个具有多功能的移位寄存器,长度为8位。具有置位输入端,具备串并转换的功能,并在寄存器满和空时给出提示信号。是专门为SPI模块特意编写的。-This is a versatile shift register, a length of 8 bits. With the input set, with string and conversion functions, and full and empty register signal when prompted.
- FPGA用verilog实现串口和电脑的字符串以及单字符精准无误通信,即通过电脑向FPGA发送任一长度数据,FPGA返回PC相同的数据。波特率为9600,本例程为了得到精准的波特率使用了50M时钟的3倍频,测试可用,如有不明的地方,可以给我留言-FPGA implementation using verilog string and the computer serial port and single-character accurate communication, 9600, FPGA u