- nrf905与51单片机构成的应用电路及程序 资料包括 nRF905中文手册.PDF(1.03M) nrf905en.pdf(442.02K) nRF905_rev1_4.pdf(514.57K) nRF905DevBoard.rar(3.94M) PCB8.rar(183.87K) NewMsg-RF905.pdf(642.65K) NewMsg-RFC30A.pdf(361.1K) NewMsg-RFC30F.pdf(300.05K) nRF90
- 使用 MASM 寫成 的 68K Forth 系統. 可以使用 PC 下載至 68K CPU 上執行.- This is the 68000 assembler version of the eforth 68K. The original eforth was done in MASM for the 8086/PC. Changes to that version were done to create a 68K version that could be assemb
- 在sd卡上移植fatfs,移植成功,已经能用,-FatFs is a generic FAT file system module for small embedded systems. The FatFs is written in compliance with ANSI C and completely separated from the disk I/O layer. Therefore it is independent of hardware architecture. It ca