- 在电源输入的前端利用旁路去耦电容滤波器,在+12V输入时,首先通过一个电解电容C1和电容C2保证电压的输入稳定,之后选择利用稳压器NCP1117ST50T3G将输出电压降到+5V,如图3.5所示,其输出电流为1A。在稳压器之后继续采用一个电解电容C3来保证输入到芯片的供电电压稳定。-Power input at the front end of the use of bypass decoupling capacitor filter when+12V input through a first
- Check the clock frequency & that the baud rate required can be achieved. Error of <1 is never a problem, <2 will work but is undesirable, 5 will not work. Note that this assumes that the other end of the link has perfect timing, which will norm