- 本程序是在专业软件ARC INFO 的Map Object在visual Basic 环境下开发的界面,在一幅地图上缩小放大或者原图显示,画矩形然后显示和图块的交集,而且可以显示多种缓冲区和实现部分查询功能-the procedures in the professional software ARC INFO Map Object in visual Basic development environment interface, a map to enlarge it or shrink t
- 這個可以過濾區域過小或過大的區塊,將它不要顯示出來,可以用於過濾雜訊區塊等用途-this region can filter too small or too large blocks, it will not show up filter can be used for other purposes, clumpping
- 经典的图切算法NormalizedCuts.将图论应用到图像分割上,可以限定分割块数,有效分割图像。运行:demoNcutImage.m,即可看到效果。读取的图像名称和块数,可在程序中修改。-classic NormalizedCuts MAP algorithm. On the map will be applied to image segmentation, Segmentation can block limited number of effective segmentation im
- 对“Blocks”信号加上高斯白噪声,再用 db3 小波进行分解,以说明三种取阈值方法和三种噪声标志对去噪性能的影响。-right "Blocks" signal with white Gaussian noise, and then db3 wavelet decomposition, to illustrate three thresholding methods and three noise signs of de-noising performance.
- 1、先生成一个“Blocks”信号 2、加上高斯白噪声 3、用 db3 小波进行分解,以说明信号和噪声在各个尺度上的表现。-1, the President as a "Blocks" signal 2, and 3 Gaussian white noise. db3 using wavelet decomposition, to illustrate the signal and noise in various scales performance.
- 提供了SAD算法和根据相关性检测算法,把图像分成四个块,根据每个块的相关性检测目标。-provided under the relevant algorithms and detection algorithm, the image is divided into four blocks, each block of target detection.
- 分形用于图像压缩编码,分形编码非常费时,大部分时间浪费在给每个range块寻找合适的domain块,但如果减少搜索domain块的范围,编码速度将有很大提高。所以编码时用快限制分形编码,把图像分成4小块,每块中的range块只在这块中寻找domain块。-for fractal image compression coding, fractal coding is very time-consuming, most of the time wasted in each range block t
- 工业流程设计,Flow Chart Visual Programming Language version 3.00 Flow Chart Visual Programming Language allows to run basic algorithms in a visual way. All you have to do is to place program blocks on the screen, connect them with arrows and ru
- this scr ipt used a new fast block matching algorithm with dynamic search patterns to obtain motion vectors for each blocks.
- 穷尽 块匹配算法 motionsEstAnalysis.m scr ipt to execute all Algorithms motionEstES.m Exhaustive Search Algorithm costFuncMAD.m Mean Absolute Difference Function minCost.m minimum cost among macro blocks motionComp.m motion compensated image creato
- C++Builder实现图象的雨滴效果,用积木效应实现,饶有趣味。-C Builder Image raindrop effect, using building blocks to achieve effects, interesting.
- 针对传统方法难以可靠估计图像中纹理单一区域像素点视差的问题,将纹理分析应用于立体匹配中,提 出图像分块整体匹配的方法。首先用LBP/C纹理分析方法对图像纹理进行描述 然后进行基于区域生长的扩张检 测,得到纹理单一图像块 最后对图像块进行整体匹配,得到纹理单一区域的稠密视差图。对国际标准图像进行测试, 结果表明该算法能提高纹理单一区域稠密视差图的精度,具有实用价值 ,Due to the difficulty of getting disparity of less textured pi
- 使用 OpenGL Shader Language 實作 Phong Shadering (一種CG 渲染方式) 會自動讀取 model 資料夾下的 tri 模型,平台為 windows Code::Blocks-Implementation of Phong Shadering(a CG rendering mode) by Shadering Language, will automatically read the model folder under the tri model, pla
- 弱电工程设计安全防范系统视频监控系统工程中需要使用到的CAD图块!-Weak project design security system video monitoring system to CAD Blocks!
- 本文探讨了神经网络用于图像压缩的方法,提出了一种基于边缘信息检测的BP神经网络压缩方法:按图像各部分像素特征将图像分为平滑块、纹理块和边缘块,不同的分类块采用不同的隐含层数。实验结果证明本算法在在保证重建图像丰富细节的同时,能大大提高图像的压缩比。-This paper discusses the neural network for image compression method, edge information is presented based on BP neural networ
- 边缘检测1.制作一张包括色块、线条的单色背景图片,先对其作低通滤波产生一幅色块和线条边缘模糊的降质图片待处理,采用任意二种边缘检测算法检测待处理图片中的色块和线条的边缘,得到二值化的处理结果图。从结果图中提取色块和线条的边界坐标值,与实际生成原始图像时采用的真实坐标数据作比较,对产生的检测误差作分析。2.拍摄一张包含待检测物体的黑白或者彩色照片,试采用一种边缘检测的算法做待检测物体的自动提取,对生成的结果作分析。-Edge Detection 1. To produce a including
- 基於區塊變異數量化之影像版權保護計術,內含程式碼與原論文-Variability based on the number of blocks of image copyright protection of patients, including code and the original papers
- 用的是局部颜色特征,再说细点是用里面的区域颜色直方图的方法。把图像归一化到256X256,把图像分成4X4块,计算16个区域的颜色直方图、、、 最后计算相似度是用欧氏距离.-Using local color feature, repeat fine-point is inside the regional color histogram method. The normalized image to 256X256, the image is divided into 4X4 blocks
- 可以设置图像分块的大小和分块数,然后来分块保存图像到文件目录下面-You can set the size of the image sub-block and sub-blocks, and then to block to save the image to a file directory
- C图形编程实例积木效果代码Graphics Programming Example C code building blocks effect -Graphics Programming Example C code building blocks effect