- Hello and welcome to the DScaler source. There are a few hoops to jump through before the source can be compiled. Our guides will hopefully smooth that process.-Hello and welcome to the DScaler source. Th torii are a few hoops to jump through befor
- 图像清晰度评价函数说明 1、熵: 表示图像所包含的平均信息量的多少,嫡值越大则所含信息量越多。 文件名:entropy.m 结果:EN 2、交叉嫡:反映两幅图像的差异,交叉嫡越小,则融合图像和原图像的差别越小。 文件名:cross_entropy.m 结果:平均交叉嫡MCE,均方根交叉嫡RCE 3、峰值信噪比: PSNR越高,说明融合效果与质量越好。 文件名:psnr.m 结果:PSNR 4、Qabf: 评价边缘或梯度质量,越大边缘越明显 文件名:Qab