- 颗粒粗化源码,将马赛克现象认为的作用于一副图像,称之为颗粒粗化。可以用来建立图像切换效果-source of coarse particles, that the phenomenon will mosaics in the role of an image, known as particle coarsening. Images can be used for switching effects
- 可用于图像的粗化与细化,同时作为图像开发的程序框架也是不错的选择!-images can be used for coarse and refined, as part of the development process images framework is a good choice!
- Coarse-to-Fine Wedgelet and Platelet Image Reconstruction,图象重构matlab源码,老外编写的,对图像的重建有帮助
- The motion within an image region is modeled using an affine transformation. Affine motion parameters are estimated using a coarse-to-fine gradient-based method. The approach is implemented using a robust M-estimation technique to make the computatio
- A Matlab Tour of Second Generation Bandelets 附有每部分代码的说明 function x = perform haar transform(x, dir); x = x(:); % to be sure we have a column vector J = floor( log2(length(x)) ); % number of scales if dir==1 % forward transform for j=1:J c = x(
- 关于图像分割方法的英文文献。分别对多尺度扩散方法,多层分级方法、特征提取和自组织神经网络方法的图像分割方法进行介绍。,image Segmentation using Coarse and Fine Scale Features Using Multi-scale Diffusion and Mumford-Shah, a multilayer level-set approach,Feature extraction and image segmentation using self-orga
- harris检测 +ncc粗配+ransac去除错误点-harris detection. ncc coarse. ransac remove the error point
- 可以在harris角点检测和ncc粗匹配之后实现精确准确的角点匹配,为下一步配准做准备-Can the Harris corner detection and NCC coarse matching after achieve precise accurate angular point matching, preparing for the next registration
- 基于HIS空间的彩色烟雾图像分割算法,包含粗分,细分割与连通域提取-HIS color space based on image segmentation algorithm smoke contains coarse points, fine segmentation and connected domain extraction
- Matlab_基于FFT的图像配准 粗估算两幅图像之间的平移差,返回水平方向平移差到xtran,返回垂直方向平移差到ytran 用在图像配准中的粗匹配中,对噪声、图像中物体发生运动等极为鲁棒!-FFT-based Matlab_ Image Registration rough estimate of the translation between two images, poor, poor translation to return to the horizontal direct
- 针对类圆形堆积物图像的前景和背景在色彩或灰度上相近,难以用传统阈值分割等算法进行有效分割的问题,提出一种多方法融 合的类圆形堆积物图像区域分割策略。对图像进行滤波等一系列预分割处理后进行投影得到目标图像的外接矩形区域,以排除噪声的干扰, 在区域内采用改进的灰度共生矩阵方法进行粗分割,以解决窗口大小与分割精度的问题,采用二维OTSU 阈值分割方法对粗分割结果进行 量化。实验结果表明,该方法得到的区域分割结果边缘清晰、准确度高。-Round deposits for the prospe
- 基于金字塔对灰度图像进行分层,按由粗到精的方法对左右航片进行特征提取,根据特征点对影像对进行影像匹配!-Based on the Pyramid of the stratified gray-scale images, according to the coarse-to-fine method of flight films about feature extraction, according to feature points on the image to image matching
- 对于较粗的样本点集 hough 算法是不可能做到检测全部直线的. 另一方面 hough 还会测出许多不存在的直线. 在应用的时候只能根据需要自己标定 精度. 以下是我在MATLAB下开发的hough函数 输入一个灰度图形矩阵, 返回 最长直线斜率. 用来做图形倾斜校正的. 希望贴出来还能有点用吧~-For a sample point set coarse algorithm hough it is not possible to do all the straight line de
- 针对可见光与红外图像的特点和难点,提出了可见光与红外图像配准与融合中的关键技术,即: 使用新型的基于一维最大类间方差和最大连通性测量的图像分割方法对源图像进行分割来更好地实行图像粗 配准 使用新型的特征点提取方法,特征点的匹配及误匹配的消除来更好地实行图像精配准 采用新型的基 于区域的树状小波活性测度计算来实现树状小波图像融合 利用自生成神经网络来实现模栩图像融合. -For visible light and infrared images of the characteris
- 本程序实现对一幅图像的边缘进行形态学粗化和细化-The procedure to realize an image of the edge of the morphology of coarse and refined
- 基于IDL的图像编程,五种改进方法,适用于粗学者,很有帮助-IDL-based image programming, five kinds of improved methods for coarse scholars, very helpful
- 针对人脸检测问题中快速性与准确性难以同时满足的情况,提出了一种将肤色和脸部特征相结 合的方法来检测人脸。由于通过基于肤色的算法能快速定位出人脸大致位置,因而检测速度能达 到实时的要求;同时利用脸部特征进一步细检,可保证检测的精确性。-Abstract:This paper proposes a human face detection algorithm based on skin color and facial features to meet the demand for fa
- 使用robert算子实现的边缘提取程序,对边缘的定位较差,不过图形简单时的提取效果不错,边缘提取的较粗。-Robert achieved using edge detection operator procedures, poor positioning on the edge, but when the graphics simple extraction well, the coarse edge detection.
- This algorithm was introduced by Koga et al in 1981. It became very popular because of its simplicity and also robust and near optimal performance. It searches for the best motion vectors in a coarse to fine search pattern. The algorithm may be descr
- 实验室流传下来的用于图像处理的一些基本函数,mfc界面,粗精匹配-Laboratory have been handed down for some basic image processing functions, mfc interface, coarse and fine matching