- 實做z-buffer,depth-cue,backface-culling 很不錯唷-Really do z-buffer, depth-cue, backface-culling is pretty good唷
- This paper provides an algorithm for partitioning grayscale images into disjoint regions of coherent brightness and texture. Natural images contain both textured and untextured regions, so the cues of contour and texture differences are exploited
- 还是关于阴影的文档资料。nvidia--关于使用hlsl语言的。-Shadows are an important visual cue. Unfortunately, most real-time techniques f computing shadows generate hard and, in the case of shadow-maps, aliased shadows. We can soften the edges of the shadows by employ
- 在VC++环境下画一个星球,有五颗星星,点中一颗就提示点中的名字-In VC++ environment to draw a planet, there are five stars, points in a cue point the name to
- 将2D图像转换为红蓝3D效果。程序由本人编写,算法来自论文《A novel 2D-to-3D conversion technique based on relative height depth cue》by Yong Ju Jung等。-2D-to-3D Conversion. The codes are written by myself and according to the article "A novel 2D-to-3D conversion technique based on
- 一个基于布尔图的显著性检测模型这个模型利用了全局拓扑测度,这一拓扑测度已经被证明了有助于感知的图形-背景分割。如格式塔心理学研究表明,如下因素很可能会影响图形-背景分割:大小,surroundedness,convexity, symmtry。本文研究surroundedness cue在显著性检测中的应用。 surroundedness的本质是图形和背景之间的enclosure topological relationship,能够被很好地定义,并且对不同的变化具有不变性(不懂)。 为了衡量s