- 1、本系统所有功能未经管理员授权不能使用 2、管理员为多人制,且级别相同,任一合法管理员均可对管理员帐号进行添加、删除及修改操作,请管理员妥善保管各自帐号,任何原因造成的资料丢失,明星工作室概不负责! 【功能说明】 1、教师业务档案添加 2、教师业务档案删除 3、教师业务档案修改 4、教师业务档案查找 5、教师业务档案输出-1, all the features of the system administrator can not be used wit
- 将模型和动画从Maya导入到Torque的教程 一共18个步骤,有详细的步骤介绍-The model and animation from Maya into Torque tutorial Steps: 1. Set up Maya’s workspace to work with Torque 2. Create you character model 3. Triangulate your model 4. Freeze transformations on all
- MATLAB 图形对象操作: 图形对象的属性 ,图形对象句柄的获取 , 图形对象句柄的删除与判断等。-MATLAB graphical object operation: graphics object s properties, graphics object handle acquisition, graphics object handle delete and judgment, etc.
- 用c#,arcgis engine 对arcgis进行二次开发,基本图层的加载,对图层的移动和删除-With c#, arcgis engine for arcgis secondary development, the basic layer of the load, move and delete the layer' s
- stem will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory. If you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least five s
- 主要介绍IMap接口的一般用法,C#+ArcGIS Engine-General usage of the introduce IMap interface,The IMap interface is a starting point for many of the tasks one does with a map. For example, you can use IMap to add, delete, and access map layers containing data from
- 利用地球立体剖分格网生成SubdivisionR_树索引模型 针对三维数据管理中八叉树索引冗余多、R-树索引插入删除过程复杂的问题,依托GeoSOT地球立体剖分格网,提出了一种新的八叉树与R-树有机结合的Subdivision R-树索引模型(Subdivision R-tree)。首先,以GeoSOT地球立体剖分格网八叉树索引为基础构建了Subdivision R-树索引模型结构 随后,设计了Subdivision R-树索引模型基本的插入、删除、查询、分析算法 最后,开展了Subd