- jgraph的开发源码。很多程序员在用别人的api在进行开发,而有些人则正在开发api。想学学后者没吗? 那就看看这个这个开放源码吧! 以下是e文的介绍; Integrate JGraph into your application to get \"out-of-the-box\" graphing Enjoy an open source core technology topped with products and services Reduce cost wit
- 这是一个小巧并令你惊讶的屏幕保护程序,不过这个迭代算法不是我弄出来的,我可没这么厉害.-This is a compact and surprise your screen saver, but this algorithm is not my get out of the I can not be so powerful.
- 3D Lens Flare With Occlusion Testing Learn how to do lens flares by extending a glCamera class. If you look at a lens flare you will notice that they all share one thing in common. They all seem to move through the center of the screen. With this
- The Volume Fog sample shows the per-pixel density volumetric rendering technique. The fog volume is modeled as a polygonal mesh, and the density of the fog at every pixel is computed by subtracting the front side of the fog volume from the
- milkshape的.ms3d文件和3ds max的文件之间的转换工具,另外还支持gmax,A utility for importing and exporting .ms3d files into 3ds Max and Gmax. This is used in conjunction with GrumpyOldMan s meshconverter to get models from .mesh files into 3ds Max (and Gmax) which preser
- 只知道位图的数据和长宽,显示灰度图程序。弄了好就弄出来,和大家分享-Only know that the bitmap data and the length and width, indicating grayscale procedures. Good to get out, and to share
- The Fountain Simulation Here I ll explain Some basic physical things (simulation of a water drop) How to get antialiased points How to use blending Some basic physics... The movement of a drop contains two factors: The directi
- 基于投票算法的目标跟踪,基于二阶非线性投票的多目标跟踪算法。该算法通过目标匹配得到同一目标在不同帧中的位置,同时利用特征监测来处理目标的遮挡、分裂问题,并实现目标特征的实时更新。在目标匹配过程中,通过对目标前一帧与当前帧的特征相似性进行投票,得到匹配目标。利用视频图像进行实验,结果表明:该方法对噪声、阴影、遮挡、分裂等具有良好的鲁棒性,较好地实现了多目标的跟踪。-The method used object matching to get objects’ position in differe
- 图像处理中滤波时,运用极值滤波的方法滤除杂波,得到清晰的图像-Image processing filter, the use of extreme methods of filtering to filter out the clutter, get a clear image
- 根据网上的资料自己做的harris角点检测实验,参考程序文件夹中是网上搜集到得程序,参考资料中是4篇我觉得还不错的论文。还有自己拍摄的7幅供测试用的图片。whole.m为主程序,直接运行即可。程序的主要功能是球出了途中角点的坐标并且利用曲面拟合的方法求出了其亚像素坐标。程序中的关键地方均有注释。对研究harris角点检测的朋友很有帮助。-According to online information on their own do harris corner detection experime
- we’ve successfully developed a simple GUI interface, using only a few lines of code. The major factor which works here is the entire class structure is re-usable, and can be applied to build a lot of other different User Interfaces too. The reader c
- 利用hough变换检测图像中的直线,得到检测直线的参数与首位端点,并在原图中标出所检测到得直线。-Detection using hough transform image of the straight line parameters to be detected with the first endpoint, and the Original bid to get straight out of the test.
- 本报告围绕自由查看立方体这个主题,分别介绍实现的理论(顶点的各种转换),实现的程序结构,实现重点代码过程。 在绪论中介绍了图形学研究的对象,图形学的出现的原因,图形学的运用。然后从具体的游戏涉及的图形知识具体介绍图形学的发展前提和运用,及其艺术性。在个人工作当中,介绍了报告针对的程序的实现原理。分别指出了图形从物体模型坐标的3维顶点经过如何变换,最终显示到屏幕上得到想要的彩色立体效果。在介绍过程中指出了需要的流程和每个流程中所使用到的变换矩阵,和变换矩阵的使用原理。同时也介绍了如何实现第
- qr码的生成与解读 ,二维qr条码项目的J2ME源代码。软件包括1.核心QR码编/解库,2.对一段信息进行QR编码,输出二维条码图片,3.并且可以上传图片到应用服务器。4.从摄像头获取一个拍摄的二维条码并解码。5.从网络上选择一个二维条码并解码取出信息。 -qr code generation and interpretation of two-dimensional bar code project qr J2ME source code. Software includes 1. Cor
- 黑色是最暗的颜色,是纯度、色相、明度最低的非彩色。因此它较容易起到衬托和发挥起其他颜色的特性,是最有力的搭配色。 黑白色的搭配较充满个性,合理运用能散发出另外一种迷人的高品位高格调的贵族气质。黑色与橙色搭配较容易营造视觉要求较高的时尚网站。黑色与红色的搭配被誉为是商业的成功色,具有极强的视觉冲击力。 无论页面上使用或者色相跨度大的多种颜色、或是高纯度低纯度、或者高对比的颜色,只要有黑色这一最得力的色彩为主色调掌控着,页面设计配色上能得到和谐统一的效果。 -Black is the m
- 一个基于视频的人眼定位程序,实验室的同学弄的,为了换积分,贡献出来了,希望大家用得好支持一下-An eye location procedures progran of video that writed by laboratory classmates , in order to get change scores, contribution out, hoping everybody use well came support it
- flv软件,用于嵌入水印导出水印等功能。源码详细功能方便,意义操作-flv to get out the watermark code and other info that needed
- 种子填充算法最精简的,tc画圆,可以说是最为简单的一个算法了,可以最为大家的tc填充算法的一个模板~我上个星期好不容易弄出来的。-Seed filling algorithm the most streamlined, tc circle, we can say is the most simple of an algorithm, and most everyone can be a template filling algorithm tc- I finally get out of las
- 生成直线的DDA算法思想是源用初中直线的方程得出来的。-The DDA algorithm to create line source with the junior high school idea is get out of the equation of a straight line.
- 该段代码主要是获取图像的像素并写入本地文件中,包括灰度图和三通道图。-This code is mainly to get the image pixels and write local files, including grayscale and three-channel map.