- 实现Gabor滤波的源代码,包括C++、matlab源程序,还有介绍其原理的word文件-Gabor filter realization of the source code, including C++, matlab source, as well as introduce the principle of word document
- 一个不错得gabor滤波器,有matlab 和 c-Gabor get a good filter, have matlab and c
- :由于许多传统的去噪方法在强背景噪声情况下提取声音信号的能力变弱甚至失效, 提出 应用独立成分分析( I C A) 方法对声音信号进行特征提取, 并证明了这种 I C A 变换能增强语音和音 乐信号的超高斯性. 在此基础上, 应用 I C A基函数作为滤波器, 通过阈值化的去噪方法对含有强高 斯背景噪声的声音信号进行去噪仿真实验. 结果表明, 本方法明显优于传统的均值滤波和小波去噪 方法, 为强背景噪声下弱信号的检测提供 了新的途径.-: As many of the t
- (1)利用高斯滤波器函数,用Matlab语言,编写Canny边缘检测器的Matlab(或C语言)函数; (2)利用上述函数,对一副图像(椒盐噪声或高斯噪声)进行边缘检测; (3)利用Matlab自带的Canny边缘检测函数对同一副图像进行边缘检测; (4)比较上述两个结果。 -(1) the use of Gaussian filter function, using Matlab language, the preparation of Canny edge detector
- matlab中的con2函数翻译为C的代码,这是其中3个输入的情况,1个图像,2个filter,希望对大家有所帮助,这只是其中一个文件,需要自己写主函数调用-con2 function in matlab translated into C code, this is one of three input, an image, 2 filter, you would like to help, this is only one file, need to write the main funct
- the use of Gaussian filter function, using Matlab language, the preparation of Canny edge detector Matlab (or C language) function (2) the use of the above-mentioned function, an image of the (salt and pepper noise or Gaussian noise) for edge detecti
- 此代码是在matlab上实现车辆预测跟踪,根据c均值算法测出当前车辆中心,根据αβγ滤波预测下一状态的中心-This code is a matlab forecast track to achieve vehicle, according to c means algorithm to detect the current vehicle center, according to projections αβγ filter the center of the next state
- visual C++数字图像处理典型算法的实现。-This is a matlab implementation of the Wiener filter based algorithm.
- matlab与C混编,mex中图像运动矢量平滑滤波,加权中值滤波。-matlab and C mixed, mex in the image motion vector smoothing filter, weighted median filter.
- 粒子滤波 视频目标跟踪 Matlab 联合C编程-Video tracking particle filter Matlab joint C programming
- 作业一 要求 用C语言或者VC,VB,Matlab或其他语言完成如下实验: 1)打开一个BMP文件 2)将其局部区域的灰度值进行改变 3)另存为一个新的BMP文件 要求显示出原BMP图像和新BMP图像。 作业二 要求 1. 编程实现图像傅立叶高通、低通滤波。 2. 尝试傅立叶压缩。 作业三 要求 编程实现图像DCT高通、低通滤波。并与傅里叶变换比较。 作业四 要求 找一幅曝光不足的灰度(或彩色)图像,按照直方图均衡化方法进行处
- 运用C实现了数字图像的一些基本算法,包括canny edge detection,阈值变换,维纳滤波,直方图均衡,图像细化,旋转,图像配准,图像分割kmeans, isodata, fuzzy c means, fuzzy clustering, mrf image seg, 图像浏览,road svm using matlab, snakes matlab, anistropic gaussian filter-Canny edge detection, threshold transform
- matlab同态滤波,可以自调参数 锐化参数c -Homomorphic filtering matlab
- 自适应中值滤波-Chan R H, Ho C W, Nikolova M. Salt-and-pepper noise removal by median-type noise detectors and detail-preserving regularization[J]. IEEE Trans. Image Process, 2005, 14(10): 1479~1485. 该文献中自适应中值滤波算法代码-matlab code of adpative median filter
- 音频信号的水印设计,以音频信号为载体,将秘密信号嵌入载体音频信号当中, 实现音频信号的水印。采用变换域小波变换(DWT)的技术,将音频信号进行小波变换,提取出低频分量,然后将水印嵌入到音频信号的低频当中。实验当中先在MATLAB 上面进行了仿真实验,并且通过加入噪声以及滤波等进行干扰以此检测了算法的透明性和健壮性,然后利用C 语言进行了测试,最后经 过一些修改,例如加入定时器以及进行中断的处理和加入缓冲在DSP 板子上实现了加入水印的音频声音的播放。-Audio signal water
mean filter
- meanfilter use the matlab mex function. conbine the c code and matlab code. so you should mex -setup in matlab command window. and mex meanfilter.c then execute the meanfilter.m to run it.
- 简单的粒子滤波算法进行的仿真,主要运用的是MATLAB和c来仿真的,这个算法很详细的讲解了-Simulation simple particle filter algorithm, but also with other methods were compared Kalman
- 实现鲁棒的SIFT特征匹配,包括画中画匹配,matlab调用了C中的一些函数如高斯滤波等-Achieve robust SIFT feature matching, including picture-matching, matlab call C functions such as some of the Gaussian filter, etc.
- 何凯文CVPR引导滤波文章对应的代码,包含增强,平滑等。带图片。-Matlab demo code for Guided Image Filtering (ECCV 2010) Contributed by Kaiming He (hkm007@ie.cuhk.edu.hk) Please note that the running time reported in the paper is C++ implementation. Usage: gu
- 使用步骤: 1.解压缩, 2.设置matlab的c++编译环境(如果以前编译过c文件,可忽略此步骤,我的用的vs2013参照百度资料重新设置了) 3.重新编译 mex bilateralfilter_mex.c mex robustbilateralfilter_mex.c mex jointcrossbilateralfilter_mex.c mex guidedbilateralfilter_mex.c 4.run_test就可以-使用步骤: 1