- 一种新德中值滤波,在邻域内如果中心像素为最大值或最小值则用中值代替,否则保持原值不变,适合于红外图像的椒盐去噪。-A new DE median filter, in the neighbourhood if center pixels for maximum or minimum value is used instead of value, or keep the same original value, suitable for infrared image denoising salt
- 函数f(x)=x2+2x,用黄金分割法求解最小值-Function f (x) = x2+2 x, the minimum value method with the Golden
- 最小偏态二值化法,用阈值T分割图像,分别求得背景和前景的三阶矩,使得偏态公式取最小值的T即为最佳阈值。-The smallest skewness binarization method, using image segmentation threshold T, respectively, to achieve the background and prospects of third-order moments, skewness formula made from the minimum
- 对读入的两幅图像进行逐个像元比较,取其中最大或最小值形成新图像矩阵,输出。 已形成界面。可通过界面进行上述操作。-To read the two images pixel-by-comparison, the maximum or minimum value from which to form a new image matrix, the output. Interface has formed. Through the interface to carry out such opera
- absmin.m程序,求矩阵的每个元素的绝对值然后求其非零的最小值(绝对原创)-absmin.m procedures, and each element of the matrix and then the absolute value of the minimum value for the non-zero (absolute original)
- 分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。分水岭的概念和形成可以通过模拟浸入过程来说明。在每一个局部极小值表面,刺穿一个小孔,然后把整个模型慢慢浸入水中,随着浸入的加深,每一个局部极小值的影响域慢慢向外扩展,在两个集水盆汇合处构筑大坝,即形成分水岭。-Watershed segmentation method is a top
- 分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。-Watershed segmentation method, which is based on a topological theory of mathematical morphology segmentation method, the basic idea is that t
- FUNCTIONS : STATISTICS - MODA Mode of a distribution - ARGMAX calculates position of the maximum value of matrix V - ARGMIN calculates position of the minimum value of matrix V - DRAW_HIST estimates and draws histogram of data
- 图像的最大值和最小值滤波,利用opencv实现-The image of the maximum and minimum value filtering, the use of opencv realization
- 图像复原技术,比较最小二值法与维纳法,得到很好效果。-Image restoration techniques to compare the minimum value method with two Wiener method to obtain good results.
- 这个工具箱包括以下融合方法: 线性方法 线性叠加 pca加权叠加 非线性方法 选择最小值 选择最大值 多分辨率方法 拉普拉斯金字塔 fsd金字塔 比率金字塔 对比度金字塔 梯度金字塔 使用DBSS dwt(2,2)小波 sidwt使用哈尔小波 形态金字塔 这个函数是伴随着一个图形用户界面,允许图像i / o和交互式选择所有相关参数。 -The toolbox includes the following fusion metho
- 程序目的是分别在灰度图像中加入一定量的高斯噪声和椒盐噪声,然后采用3×3的均值滤波器和3×3中值滤波器分别对噪声图像进行处理,给出两种处理方法的峰值信噪比(PSNR);仿效“中值滤波”的方法,对原图像分别进行“极大值滤波”和“极小值滤波”,对所形成的图像给出说明。-Program aims were a certain amount of Gaussian noise and impulse noise in grayscale image, and then using mean and me
- DIP_exp1. 图象统计参数:最大、小值,均值,直方图统计; DIP_exp2. 对比度增强:直方图均衡,灰度拉伸; DIP_exp3. 图象几何变换:旋转,平移,缩放; DIP_exp4. 图象线性变换:FFT,DCT; DIP_exp5. 图象平滑:中值滤波,均值滤波; DIP_exp6. 图象锐化: Sobel算子,Laplace算子;-. DIP_exp1 image statistical parameters: maximum, minimum value,
- 分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。-Watershed segmentation method is a mathematical morphology segmentation method based on topological theory, the basic idea is the image seen o
- 求解不规则图形的最小外接四边形的面积,在图向形态特征提取领域有很好的使用价值。-For solving the minimum circumscribed quadrilateral irregular graphics area, in the field of figure to form feature extraction has very good use value.
- This code s adaptive illumination compensation based black value or minimum value pixel followed by Y component of YCbCr space based illumination compensation. The code is cascaded execution of section 2.-This code s adaptive illumination compensati
- TVAL3算法是基于增广拉格朗日法和交替方向法的全变分最小化算法。TVAL3算法是在最小全变分法的基础上,结合了增强型拉格朗日函数和交替最小化方法。通过交替最小化方法寻找增强型拉格朗日模型的最小值,再由最速下降法进行迭代,更新拉格朗日乘子。-TVAL3: TV minimization by Augmented Lagrangian and ALternating direction ALgorithms.The TVAL3 algorithm is based on the minimu
- 本算法采用暗通道算法和导向滤波以及改进的最小值滤波器,对图像进行去雾处理 各个函数接口参数完备,便于调试出最优效果 -The algorithm uses a dark passage and guide filtering algorithm and improved the minimum value filter, the image processing defogging each function interface parameters complete, easy to
- 一种基于景深的去雾方法,将按通道中的最大值和最小值作为景深基准线,计算其垂直方向上的暗通道像素均值作为透射图,实现去雾,对航拍图效果显著-A dehaze method based on the depth of field, draw a depth datum line according to the maximum value and minimum value of the dark channel, calculate the pixel of the dark channel at
- 产生LOG算子,过零点检测,一个函数最大值大于零,最小值小于零,那么函数中间一定有为零的点-Generating LOG operator, zero-crossing detection, a function of the maximum value is greater than zero, the minimum value is less than zero, then there must be a function of the middle point of zero