- huffman_f 在huffman_e的基础上,将排序改为利用堆排序原理选择最小的两个权值。也即,将所有元素的权值组织成堆后,每次堆内的根结点就是最小值了。每取出一个根结点后,就把堆尾元素调到根结点重建堆。取出两个最小值合并成一个子树后,再把子树作为叶子结点放到堆中,并让其上升到合适的位置,保持堆性质不变。因为每次不必完成整个排序过程,而只是组织成堆,因此,这种方法要比使用快速排序更快。上述算法参考了mg-1.2.1中Huffman编码的实现,见http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/m
- 生物大分子如DNA 蛋白质等是螺旋结构在细胞层次上细胞微管 呈螺旋状凡由微管组成的纤毛中心体以及植物输导组织中的导管 管胞也是螺旋状在生物体的外表如植物的萝藤等都是螺旋形的 因而叶序呈螺旋线排列是生物分形外显性的结果-biological macromolecules such as DNA, protein helix structure of the cell level cell microtubules were spiral where micro-tubes from t
- 三维可视化的编成演示,可以提供基本的三维操作-3D visualization demonstration of the organization, can provide the basic operation of 3D
- 这是一个服务端/客户端模式的小型网络游戏,1.0版。可连接多玩家,最多连多少个玩家视各位电脑的配置而定啰。根据Andre LaMothe游戏大师的 DirectX RPG Game Programming著作编成。比上次上存的版本有所完善。-This is a server / client model of a small network games, version 1.0. Multi-player can be connected up even as the number of pla
- Contour 等值线搜索和显示算法。VC++编成,使用OpenGL等-Contour contour algorithm to search and display. VC organization, such as the use of OpenGL
- MapObjects开发中数据组织方式的探讨 MapObjects开发中数据组织方式的探讨 -MapObjects data development organization of several development MapObjects According to the organization on the development of MapObjects data organization of
- 一个基于DirectShow的音频视频文件播放器,完全采用C++类的方式组织,可以播放mp3,wav,avi,mpeg等,代码简单易懂,便于移植与复用。-a DirectShow-based Audio Video File player, Class C uses the organization, the broadcast mp3, wav, avi, mpeg. code is simple to understand and easy transplantation and reuse
- 一个很好的图片编辑制作程序,对相关的编成有相当的借鉴意义-a good photo editing procedures related to the organization considerable reference
- 观察Autocad内部数据组织的最佳工具,这个对应Autocad2-observation Autocad internal data organization the best tools, and corresponding Autocad2
- yuyv与yuv格式之间的相互转换源码,mfc编成实现,可以方便实现两种格式的相互转换-yuyv and yuv format conversion between the source, mfc organization realized, can facilitate the achievement of both the format conversion
- ImgCtxDecoder_src.zip 1. Why do I use IImgCtx to decode images? If you want to develop a image viewer or processor in Windows, the first thing you have to face is image decoding. Now there are some free image decoders, with full source code:
- 一个自行开发的图形底层程序。十分有价值。已经完成的部分含有矢量图形的放大缩小等视图操作,基本的几何数据组织。使用STL开发-a self-developed graphics bottom procedures. Very valuable. Already completed parts containing vector graphics, etc. Zooming View operation, the basic geometric data organization. STL use
- MAPGIS供水管网信息管理系统的数据组织(caj 格式)-MAPGIS water pipe network information management system for data organization (CAJ format)
- t264是中国的视频编码自由组织合力开发的264编解码程序,其设计吸收了jm,x264和xvid三个源码的优点。压缩文件中存在linux下编译方法-t264 is China' s video encoding efforts to develop the organization' s 264 free codec program, designed to absorb jm, x264 and xvid three source advantages. Compressed files un
- )l提出面向遥感图像处理软件的体系结构:以遥感图像应用领域软件体系结构风格为主,兼有层次结构风格和数据抽象与面向对象组织风格的特点。在详细讨论图像数据表示方式的基础上,通过深入分析遥感图像数据在显示过程中所遇到的问题及其相应的技术解决方案,为图像显示库设计了图像显示模型、坐标变换模型和透明图像的显示模型。 提出了以分块分层结构来加快海量图像数据处理的方法,并针对海量图 像数据变换域算法的速度问题,提出以分块处理策略、优化读写操作和 并行处理相结合的方法。 建立了栅格图像数据处理和
- OpenDWG,著名的DWG格式破译组织写的一个DWG与DXF之间的转换工具,其官方网站有开源的全部代码可供下载.-OpenDWG, leading DWG format, written in deciphering the organization of a DWG and DXF conversion tool between its official website has all the open source code available for download.
- 这个程序希望给正在学习MapX的同道中人一些建议,也不是太复杂的程序,只是介绍一下buffer的作用在MapX这环境!-It has not undergone rigorous testing and as such should not be shipped as part of a final application without extensive testing on the part of the organization releasing the end-user produc
- 一个地形分块程序,对海量地形块,进行LOD分块,自动重新组织,实现普通3D图形卡漫游-A terrain block procedures for Massive Terrain block, block to LOD, automatic re-organization, to achieve common roaming 3D graphics card
- A link exchange (also known as a banner exchange) is a confederation of websites that operates similarly to a web ring. Webmasters register their web sites with a central organization, that runs the exchange, and in turn receive from-A link exchange
- The ElastoDynamics Toolbox is a MATLAB toolbox to model wave propagation in layered media. It is based on the direct stiffness method and the thin layer method [10, 12]. The toolbox can be used to solve a variety of problems governed by wave