- 当今影像数字化产生的位图影像,往往是以每像素三字节的格式表示的,这导致了大而难处理的位图。为减少这些存储开发了很多压缩系统。由Compu Serve开发的GIF(Graphic Interchange Format)系统通过把可能分配给一个像素的颜色数目减少到仅为256个的方法来研究问题,这意味着每个像素的值可以用一个字节而不是用三个字节表示。256个可能的像素值中的每一个都可借助于一个叫调色板的表与一个红、绿、蓝的组合联系起来。通过改变一个影像所对应的调色板,就可以改变影像中的颜色。 G
- 有关统计的js和java联合开发的demo,用于图形展示报表内容,包含:柱状图、线形图、饼状图、雷达图等-Statistics js and java joint development of the demo, the graphics show the contents of the report include: bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, radar charts
- 在 2000 年的中国土地覆盖图。W.Bingfang,X.Wenting,H.Huiping,Y.Changzhen。GLC2000 数据库,欧洲委员会联合研究中心,2003年。-The Land Cover Map for China in the Year 2000. W.Bingfang, X.Wenting, H.Huiping, Y.Changzhen. GLC2000 , European Commision Joint Research Centre, 2003. http
- Multispectral remotely sensing imagery with high spatial resolution, such as QuickBird, IKONOS satellite imagery or Aerial imagery, especially in urban scenes, often perform spectral variations and rich details within a category, resulting in
- OpenJPEG is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language. It has been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000, a still-image compression standard from the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).