- 图像处理算法源程序.pdf,包含: 利用Visual C++实现AVI文件的图像截取 Visual C++中实现对图像数据的读取显示 Visual C++实现视频图像处理技术 VC编程中如何操作数据库中的图像字段 Visual C++实现数字图像增强处理 Visual C++6.0开发灰度位图处理 VC++开发腐蚀运算源程序 VC++开发膨胀运算源程序 VC++开发细化源程序 VC++开发Hough变换的源程序 VC++开*廓提取源程序 堆
- This a collection of utilities for warping of MRI image volumes. See the man pages for documentation. The warp method is described in detail in the following paper Enhancing the Multivariate Signal of 15-O water PET Studies With a Ne
- Implementation of Delaunay and Voronoi Algorithms -Implementation of Al Delaunay and Voronoi gorithms
- Aaform (Anti Aliased Image Transformation) is a technique I have developped for transforming a rectangular bitmap into any quadralateral (Including Convex/Complex quadralaterals). I believe that this is the optimal way to transform images that exists
- An inpainting C++ code that improves the method by Bertalmio et. al, making only minor changes, and then attempt to improve on the algorithm in some way, possibly by speeding up the process (their algorithm takes several minutes to complete).
- This algorithm was introduced by Koga et al in 1981. It became very popular because of its simplicity and also robust and near optimal performance. It searches for the best motion vectors in a coarse to fine search pattern. The algorithm may be descr
Schmidt-Segmentation (HMM heart sound)-Code-master
- Matlab code for the Schmidt HMM-based heart sound segmentation. An example of the implementation of this code can be found in “run_Example_Schmidt_scr ipt.m”. This code is derived from the paper: S. E. Schmidt et al., "Segmentation of heart s