- 这个程序是一个小型的示波器,有一些简单的功能,作为学习用-the procedure is a small oscilloscope, there are some simple functions, as with learning
Graph 1
- 程序的目的是要实现动态画出多边形,可以进行移动、旋转、放缩几何变换和动画,并可以填充-procedures are designed to achieve dynamic draw polygons that can be mobile, rotating and scaling geometric transformation and animation, and can be filled
- 由本人改编自C程序的一个三次样条曲线模拟正弦波程序源码,有兴趣的可以看看.-from C procedures adapted from a cubic spline curve simulated sine wave source procedures are interested can look at.
- 这个程序用c语言实现了一个划园的算法程序,效果相当不错啊-this procedure with C Language is a garden of the paper, the results are pretty good ah
- 画线的算法不少,但要作到高速、简单并不容易。斜率相乘法是最简单的方法之一,但计算每个点均要花费不少时间用于乘、除法运算;下面介绍的是Bresenham s高效画线算法,对每个点的坐标计算只要加、减法就能完成。-line drawing algorithm, but a lot to be done fast, simple is not easy. The slope is the most simple multiplication is one of the ways, but each p
- 一个低分辨率的图形包,做的比较差,但是通过这个图形包可以了解到图形是如何生成的.-a low-resolution graphics package, so the relatively poor, but through this graphics package could see how graphics are generated.
- VC图像处理,对初学者和研究者有一定的参考作用。-VC image processing, for beginners and researchers are certain references.
- IPL库是Intel为了配合其MMX,SSE,SSE2以及将来的VLSW等技术发布的图像处理库 支持1,8,16,位有/无符号,32位有符号,32位浮点类型数据类型。 支持RGB,CMYK,YCACB,YUV,XYZ,色彩空间,支持alpha通道 支持矩形ROI,通道ROI,遮罩 支持分块图像,错误处理,用户定义函数 支持图像数学,几何,滤波,图象统计,色彩空间变换操作。-IPL is the database to accommodate its Intel MMX, SS
- 常用画图函数及其例子 数据图视化能使人们用视觉器官直接感受到数据的许多内在本质 。因此,数据可视化是人们研究科学、认识世界所不可缺少的手段。MATLAB不仅数值计算方面是一个优秀的科技应用软件, 在数据可视化方面也具有上佳表现。 -common drawing functions and data plans, as examples of people will use visual data organ directly felt in many inner essence. Th
- 这是一个支持VGA320*200*256C的小开发包,里含头文件vmode.h--用于调用此模式(0x13)的支持 vdraw.h--用于基本绘图操作的支持 chput.h--用于汉字及E文在图形方式下的显示支持 window.h--用于创建基本窗口控件的支持.Deam.c--演示程序的代码 hzk16--16*16的点阵汉字字库.-This is a support VGA320 * 200 * Male small development kits, said to contain the
- psp上的StarBugz 可以說是一個加強版的\"小蜜蜂\", 現在發佈的雖然是測試版, 但已有一定程度的可玩性, 歡迎大家試玩並提出您的寶貴意見! 好讓我們制作小組, 可以在完成餘下部份時有所參考, 使得最後的完成品更為完善!-the StarBugz psp can be said to be an enhanced version of the "Bee", the release is beta, but already some degree of fun
- curve_test is a set of 3 programs to demonstrate 3 different kind of third-order parametric curves: Hemite curve segments, Bezier curve segments, and Splines. Hemite curves are defined by two endpoints and two vectors, Bezier curves are defi
- DCT变换是数字图像处理中重要的变换,很多重要的图像算法、图像应用都是基于DCT变换的,如JPEG图像编码方式。对于大尺寸的二维数值矩阵,倘若采用普通的DCT变换来进行,其所花费的时间将是让人难以忍受甚至无法达到实用。而要克服这一难点,DCT变换的快速算法无非是非常吸引人的-DCT digital image processing is an important transformation, many important images algorithm, imaging applicatio
- 使用Direct show从摄像头采集图片,判断图像中是否有运动人体,并进行报警和保留样本,可用于智能监控。-show from the use of Direct Acquisition camera pictures, to judge whether there are images of human movement, and the police and retain samples for intelligent monitoring.
- 用于图形的变换,如:平移,比列,旋转等等,主要是一些子程序。-graphics for the conversion, such as : translation, than out, rotation, etc., which are mainly some subroutine.
- 采用基于子画面动画的行星飞行程序,其中的三个行星在碰到屏幕边缘时分别采用停止、环绕、反弹三种不同的边界动作- Uses based on the sub- picture animation planet flight procedure, three planets are bumping into the screen edge time-sharing not to use stop, surrounding, the resilience three kind of differen
- 我是一名大学的学生,我没有做过很复杂的编程练习,这也是我第一次上传源程序,这次上传的是我做计算机图形学的练习时在WIN-TC环境下所编的一些程序,其中有二维图形的基本变换(平移,旋转,错切,放缩,对称)的动画演示、三维图在二维平面上的消隐图的显示、线条的裁减、抛物线的绘制以及B样条曲线的绘制,程序中有详细的注释,希望对学生朋友们能够有所帮助。-I was a university student, I had not done a very complex programming exercis
- 空间分析程序 完成基本几何图形的绘制,并且完成gis里缓冲区分析,部分完成了多边形之间关系的功能!但有待扩充。-spatial analysis procedures are completed basic geometric figure drawing, and completed gis Lane buffer analysis, the completion of the relationship between the polygon functions! But to be expa
- 用java编写的多边形扫描填充算法,有文档和在jbuilder下打包的exe文件-used to prepare the filled polygon scan algorithm, there are documents in JBuilder and packaged under the exe files
- 二维CAD设计,比一般的都要好.值得一看,里面有四个人一个多月的心血,另加有十年编程经验的VC++老师的指导,非常难得!袁斌、徐建成、赵欣、刘钊。其中里面也包括我啦:)-2D CAD design, than the general good of all. An eye-catcher, there are four individuals for more than a month of work, plus a decade of experience in programming VC