- IPL库是Intel为了配合其MMX,SSE,SSE2以及将来的VLSW等技术发布的图像处理库 支持1,8,16,位有/无符号,32位有符号,32位浮点类型数据类型。 支持RGB,CMYK,YCACB,YUV,XYZ,色彩空间,支持alpha通道 支持矩形ROI,通道ROI,遮罩 支持分块图像,错误处理,用户定义函数 支持图像数学,几何,滤波,图象统计,色彩空间变换操作。-IPL is the database to accommodate its Intel MMX, SS
- IPL库是Intel为了配合其MMX,SSE,SSE2以及将来的VLSW等技术发布的图像处理库.这个s是IPL的中文开发文档-IPL is the database to accommodate its Intel MMX, SSE, SSE2 and future technologies such as VLSW release of Image Processing Library. This is IPL s development of the Chinese Documents
- SwisTrack is a powerful tool for tracking robots, humans, animals and objects using a camera or a recorded video as input source. It uses Intel s OpenCV library for fast image processing and contains interfaces for USB, FireWire and GigE cameras, a
- intel 图形加速芯片2700g的电路原理图,-intel graphics acceleration chip schematic circuit 2700g,
- Imaging is native Object Pascal image loading, saving and manipulation library. It is available for several platforms and does not require any third party dynamic libraries or other compiled binaries. Main development language is Object Pascal