- 而對於一個影像處理應用軟體來說,如果在使用者想執行一項功能時,還必須先調整一下二元化的閥值的話,未免也太不人性化了。所以如何自動選擇二元化閥值也就成為影像處理過程中很重要的一環,也是影像分割中最重要的方法之一-for an image processing application software instance, if the user wants to implement a function, but also must be adjusted to the binary thresho
- 二维图形中扫描线填充算法,本程序根据鼠标左键选择图形每个顶点,用右键闭合图形,然后填充-2D scanning fill algorithm, the procedures under the left mouse button to choose graphics for each vertex, right-Closed graphics, then filled
- Bresenham算法编程演示程序,用java写的源码,可以在一个IE窗口完整的演示出来,可以选择描画直线,圆形,椭圆等,是图形学课程的基础课程设计.-Bresenham algorithm programming demo program using java to write the source code for the IE window for a complete demonstration, and can choose to draw straight line, circle,
- huffman_f 在huffman_e的基础上,将排序改为利用堆排序原理选择最小的两个权值。也即,将所有元素的权值组织成堆后,每次堆内的根结点就是最小值了。每取出一个根结点后,就把堆尾元素调到根结点重建堆。取出两个最小值合并成一个子树后,再把子树作为叶子结点放到堆中,并让其上升到合适的位置,保持堆性质不变。因为每次不必完成整个排序过程,而只是组织成堆,因此,这种方法要比使用快速排序更快。上述算法参考了mg-1.2.1中Huffman编码的实现,见http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/m
- 采用径向基函数进行图像修复的VC++源代码,用户可交互式地选择破损修复区域。-RBF used for image restoration VC source code, users can interactively choose to repair damaged region.
- 用VC用++6.0编写的画直线程序,采用的是bresheham思想,直线的端点在对话框里输入,并且可以选择直线颜色-VC with 6.0 linear paintings prepared by the procedures, using the bresheham thinking, linear Lane endpoint in the dialog box input, and can choose color line
- Bezier,B样条曲面,同时又一个实例,以及给定16个点,可以自动画出Bezier,B样条曲面,可以选择是否显示控制网格-Bezier, B-spline surface, but also an example of, and given 16 points, automatically painted Bezier, B-spline surface, can choose whether or not to display and control grid
- 图像抖动,有多种算法可以选择-image jitter, a variety of algorithms can choose
- 新建一个C++Builder项目 设置Form1的font为“宋体,小五” 在Form1中添加一个TRadioGroup组件rgDrawWhat供选择画什么图形;添加一个Tbutton组件colorBtn和一个TcolorDialog组件ColorDialog1;添加一个TImage组件Image1。 3、 将当前项目保存在自己实验文件夹的exp1子文件夹中(以防错误操作而前功尽弃)。 编写colorBtn的OnClick事件,激活ColorDialog1,并获取所选择的颜色: if (Col
- 设计一个matlab雷达信号仿真界面程序。(提示:例如可以根据选择产生一个不同类型噪声(均匀分布、高斯分布等类型),并在界面中显示该噪声时域图形,并能根据要求画出该噪声的自相关、FFT等信号处理后的结果。)-Design a matlab radar simulation interface program. (Hint: for example, can choose to generate a different type of noise (uniform distribution, Ga
- 在MasterCAM中,进行2D轮廓铣削、挖槽等刀路定义时,需要对那些首尾相接的图素轮廓或边界进行选择-In MasterCAM, make 2D contour milling, Trench Road, such as the definition of a knife, there is a need both for those pixels of the phase contours or borders to choose
- 本标准规定了QR码符号的要求。它规定了QR码模式2符号的特征,数据字符编码,符号格式,尺寸特征,纠错规则,参考译码算法,符号质量要求,以及可由用户选择的应用参数,在附录中给出了QR码模式1符号不同于模式2的特性。-This standard sets out the requirements of QR Code symbols. It provides a QR Code symbol Mode 2 characteristics, data character encoding, symbo
- 现图形学中画直线,园和圆弧以及直线裁剪,区域填充等功能 1. 对于画直线,只需知道起点和终点即可。在工作区间中按下鼠标(即选择起点),拖动至另一处松开(终点),即得到直线。 2. 画圆需要圆心坐标、半径、及起始角和终止角,至于实验要求的画1/4圆弧,可设起始角=0,终止角=45,若要画整个圆弧起始角和终止角分别为0和360即可。-Graphics are painting a straight line, arc, as well as garden and cut a straight lin
- 根据数据显示图形.根据设置可以选择显示几种不同的可视效果.-According to the data display graphics. Depending on your setup you can choose to display several different visual effects.
- ccviewer is a GUI for plotting projections of multidimensional data into the 2D plane. One can choose, which input data are set as variable and which are set as fixed values for plotting these data. Snapshots can be made by exporting these plots to n
- 从直线的Cohen-Sutherland、中点分割和参数化裁剪算法中,任选一种,编程实现; 2.编程实现Bezier曲线分割递推de Casteljau算法。 3.任选一种曲面,并编程实现 -From the line of Cohen-Sutherland, the midpoint of segmentation and parametric clipping algorithm, Choose one, programming 2. Programming Recursive
- VB画图,可选择自动或者手动,手动更详细观察到范成的过程-VB Paint, choose automatic or manual, manual range observed in more detail into the process
- 自己选点,然后利用递归生长法实现tin的二维构建,-Choose their own point, and then use a recursive method to achieve the growth of two-dimensional tin construction
- DCTa C or MATLAB code for implementing an EBMA with integer-pel accuracy. Use a block size of 16 16. The program should allow the user to choose the search range so that you can compare the results obtained with different search ranges. (Note tha
- Is used as one method for selecting an AR model, which is to see the autocorrelation coefficient. I can choose the appropriate model to draw the graph in this m file.