- MFC实现小球的碰撞模拟,20个小球。严格按照动能守恒和动量守恒进行计算。-MFC crash simulation of small balls, 20 balls. Strict accordance with the kinetic energy conservation and momentum conservation calculation.
- 对屏幕上的某一个素点进行监视,不变化的时间超时就报警。用在监视某个程序是否死机的辅助用-On the screen a prime point of a monitor, do not change the time-out to the police. A program used to monitor whether the crash of the auxiliary
- qt custom plot Bugfixes: - Fixed regression which garbled date-time tick labels on axes, if setTickLabelType is ltDateTime and setNumberFormat contains the "b" option #### Version 1.2.0 released on 14.03.14 #### Bugfixes: - Fix