- 中点法画直线,输入起点与终点的坐标后,可画出任意种情况的直线-Midpoint painting line, starting with the input of the coordinates of the end, after the paint kinds of arbitrary line
- 实现抛物曲线的生成,抛物曲线分为自由端和闭合曲线-achieve parabolic curve generation, parabolic curve into the free end and closed curve
- Good C++ computational geometry libraries to date have been hideously over-designed and incorporate usage patterns that in most cases require extensive redesigns and rewrites of code in order to functionally integrate within an existing project.
- 计算圆弧上n个等分点的坐标的函数,及使用示例代码,VC环境,属于二维图形基础算法,加有详细的注释。 输入:圆心,起点,终点,半径,旋转方向,点数量n。 输出:圆弧上n个等分点坐标的数组, 说明:输出的起点序号为0,终点序号为n-1 -Calculate arc n are equally a function of the coordinates of points, and use the sample code, VC environment, belonging to
- 电脑模拟色子。按空格键开始滚动,再按空格键结束滚动。-Computer simulation dice. Press the spacebar to start rolling, then the end of the space bar to scroll.
- 使用vc++6.0编写的2的图形学编程代码,模拟小球运动,可以键盘控制开始结束-Using vc + + 6.0 write the graphics programming code 2, simulation ball movement, can the keyboard control began to end
- 现图形学中画直线,园和圆弧以及直线裁剪,区域填充等功能 1. 对于画直线,只需知道起点和终点即可。在工作区间中按下鼠标(即选择起点),拖动至另一处松开(终点),即得到直线。 2. 画圆需要圆心坐标、半径、及起始角和终止角,至于实验要求的画1/4圆弧,可设起始角=0,终止角=45,若要画整个圆弧起始角和终止角分别为0和360即可。-Graphics are painting a straight line, arc, as well as garden and cut a straight lin
- Program runs Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping algorithm, used for the Cartesian coordinates Cartesian coordinate system. Start-shaped: the user to enter the draw line segments start and end coordinates of the end of state: The procedure to print out af
- scr ipt originally intended for use in oceanography/fluid dynamics. Use: >> ipdv(X,Y) (0,0) default initial position or >> ipdv(X,Y,Xo,Yo) (Xo,Yo) initial position 2D vector components (X,Y) are used to plot the vectors one after
- 一种基于势函数的路径搜索算法,能实现有障碍物环境中指定起点和终点位置的最短路径搜索。-Potential function based on the path search algorithm, to achieve environmental obstructions start and end position specified in the shortest path search.
- 这是一篇介绍怎么去除二维经验模态分解端点效应的论文,很不错的 极力推荐。-This is a descr iption of how to remove the bidimensional empirical mode decomposition end effect of very good, strongly recommended.
- 实现图形学中画直线,园和圆弧以及直线裁剪,区域填充等功能 1. 对于画直线,只需知道起点和终点即可。在工作区间中按下鼠标(即选择起点),拖动至另一处松开(终点),即得到直线。 2. 画圆需要圆心坐标、半径、及起始角和终止角,至于实验要求的画1/4圆弧,可设起始角=0,终止角=45,若要画整个圆弧起始角和终止角分别为0和360即可。 3. 椭圆需要的参数更多,有椭圆中心坐标、长轴、短轴、长轴和X轴正向夹角、及起始离心角和终止离心角,要画整个椭圆还是部分椭圆只需控制起始和终止离心角。与画圆弧类似,具
- 实现用Bresenham算法及中点画线法画直线,并且画出网格图,判断对话框中输入的起点终点坐标是否在给定的范围内。若在范围内则画线,在单位像素点打点,直观的看出Bresenham算法及中点画线法的操作原理。-Bresenham algorithm implemented by the dotted line method and draw a straight line, and draw a grid chart to determine the coordinates of the dial
- This code can be used to measure the pre-sampled MTF of an image, which is a quantity that describes the resolution of linear imaging systems. The code is based on measuring the pre-sample MTF using a precision machined edge that is aligned - with re
- 对二值图像进行5*5邻域平均,再添加椒盐噪声,最后进行中值滤波处理-For binary image 5* 5 neighborhood average, add salt and pepper noise, median filtering processing in the end
- 在二维平面下,输入两条线段的始末坐标,并判断该两条线段是否相交-In the two-dimension plane,input begin and end positions of two line segments, then judge two of them have the same point
- 基于matlab对三自由度机械臂采用一阶影响系数法描绘其末端执行器的速度曲线-On matlab to three degrees of freedom manipulator end effector based on first order influence coefficient curve speed Solving
- Here the main2D.m code plots relationship between three chemical compositions of GTL (normal-paraffin, iso-paraffin and cyclo-paraffin). At the end it gives four different versions optimized plot (overlap of all four ternplots of chemical properties)
- 相机内外参数标定完以后,而已利用该程序对图像中物体进行三维坐标的重建。-After internal and external camera calibration parameters End, just use the program to reconstruct three-dimensional objects in an image coordinates.
- 数字视频技术的实验,关于穷尽块匹配算法的matlab程序及实验报告-Experiment of digital video technology, about the end of block matching algorithm matlab and experiment report,,