- 本程序是降3D常用文本文件ASE进行处理,对顶点信息进行提取与格式重新排列。-This procedure is commonly used 3D descending ASE text file for processing, the vertex format information extraction and rearrange.
- 力反馈设备phantom desktop的开发指导,包括快速入门、函数列表!-Force feedback device to guide the development of phantom desktop, including the Quick Start function list!
- 交互式的matlab plot绘图工具,绘制二维三维图形.-QPLOT interactive ploting program Qplot opens a standadr MATLAB figure with three options added to the menu bar: Qfile, Qoptions and Qgraph. Under Qfile you can read data files (text or Excel). Under Qoptions you can
- 使用VisualC++ Win32应用程序开发的一个OpenGL程序,主要是显示列表在OpenGL中的应用。-Using VisualC++ Win32 application development an OpenGL program, mainly in the display list in the OpenGL application.
- 三维绘图及滑动条、列表框、文本、按钮的创建及使用-Three-dimensional graphics and sliders, list boxes, text, buttons, create and use
- 目的:根据空间距离不变性,与它周围的点的距离不变,先列出一个点与周围点的 距离,计算同一点分别在两个视场的三维坐标与周围距离差,并计算出其误差-Objective: according to the space distance invariability, and point the distance around it is changeless, first list around a point and point
display lists for directx
- This is a directX implementation of display list equivalent in opengl.