- JEQ is class library written in pure Java. It implements the infinite impulse response (IIR) algorithm for bandpass filtering of sound stream. So, it represents a backend code for stereo 10/15/25/31-band equalizer.-JEQ class library is written in pur
- VTK库的用shearwarp算法进行物体的三维重建的源代码,并有改进,克服了原来的内存泄露问题-VTK library shearwarp algorithm using three-dimensional reconstruction of objects in the source code, and have improved to overcome the original memory leak problem
- 德洛伊三角划分算法, 完整的算法源码,包含部分数学库.-Dello triangulation algorithm, the complete algorithm source code, including part of the math library.
- 基于CT数据的三维重构。提出采用VTK库进行医学数据的可视化。论文中重点研究了表面绘制和体绘制两种绘制方法。表面绘制采用移动立方体算法(Marching Cubes)实现,体绘制则用光线投射算法(Ray-casting)实现,并且通过比较两种算法的结果讨论了他们的特点。-Based on the three-dimensional reconstruction of CT data.Proposed using the VTK library of medical data visualizat
- 光线跟踪算法。使用空间包围盒加速。 VS2010开发,需要使用OpenCV库。-Ray tracing algorithm. Bounding box to accelerate the use of space. VS2010 development, the need to use the OpenCV library.
- VTK实验程序,利用VTK开源库实现Marching Cubes等值面提取算法,程序中可修改等值面参数,交互界面实现物体的旋转、缩放,数据文件在工程目录下-VTK experimental procedures, the use of open-source library implementation VTK Marching Cubes isosurface extraction algorithm, the program can be modified isosurface parame
- 在运行程序前需要配置好OpenGL的环境(网上有说明),程序是模拟演唱会的场景,有背景音乐的映衬,有模拟的灯光、台下的观众,鼠标右键改变舞台颜色。通过键盘上下左右键漫游移动,鼠标左键进行旋转。整体式为了学习相关算法原理,在效果方面对所表达的效果显得有点抽象。在文件根目录有OpenGl开发库,在网上搜集资料配置好就可以了。-Good before running the program need to configure the OpenGL environment (online), the p
- ICP算法实现点云配准,在pcl点云库课本第13章第二节实例的基础上进行了改进,实现了更精确配准-ICP algorithm for point cloud registration, in Chapter 13, Section instance pcl basis point cloud library textbook has been improved to achieve a more accurate registration
- PCL(Point Cloud Library)是在吸收了前人点云相关研究基础上建立起来的大型跨平台开源C++编程库,它实现了大量点云相关的通用算法和高效数据结构,涉及到点云获取、滤波、分割、配准、检索、特征提取、识别、追踪、曲面重建、可视化等。这里是PCL1.6的例子源码-PCL (Point Cloud Library) is on the basis of absorbing the predecessors Point Cloud related research to build a
- 择了一种速度、特征点数量和精度都比较好的组合方案:FAST角点检测算法+sift特征描述子+FLANN(Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors) 匹配算法。-Choose a speed and precision of the number of feature points are relatively good combination scheme: FAST corner detection algorithm+sift featur
- 使用opencv库提供的算法进行立体匹配计算,共有区域、半全局和变分三个算法- The use of OpenCV library provides the algorithm for stereo matching calculation, there are regional, semi global and variational three algorithms
- 计算机辅助设计课程project,使用Javascipt和WebGL编写的球面运动的样条插补,使用Three.js最为图形处理库,包括用户输入界面和Canvas两部分,一起上传的还有算法所基于的论文。-Computer-aided design course project, using Javascipt and WebGL, spherical motion spline interpolation, use of Three.js as graphics processing librar
- 本人最近正在研究三维点云库pcl,可以说三位点云图像处理未来的应用前景非常广阔,因此愿意与各位感兴趣的朋友一起探讨.此程序是本人最近最近感兴趣的三维点云分割程序,通过区域增长算法将三维点云实现较好分割。源程序来自POINT CLOUD LIBRARY外文官方网站,运行此程序需提前配置好pcl点云库。(I was recently on the 3D point cloud library PCL, it can be said that the three sites of cloud imag