- 。在单幅影像中,首 先将平行线分成分别平行于X 、Y、Z 坐标轴线的“三组”平行线,然后利用间接平差,求得它们的灭点X ∞、Y∞、Z ∞ 进而求取影像的内方位元素x0 、y0 、f 与三个角元素φ、ω、κ。并在假定房屋长度为L 基础上,同时解求影像的摄站 坐标XS 、YS 、ZS 与房屋的宽度W、高度H, 从而实现房屋的三维重建。-. In the single image, were first divided into parallel lines parallel to th
- 利用IMA算法,提取三维模型的骨架,希望对大家有用!-It contains the sources of the C-implementation of the IMA skeleton of a 3D data set as described in the paper:W. H. Hesselink, J. B. T. M. Roerdink: Euclidean skeletons of digital image and volume data in linear time b