- Chapter 7 Rational B-spline (NURBS) Surfaces basis.c tbasis.c Calculates the B-spline basis functions. frbsurf.c tfrbsurf.c Calculates and test the fast B-spline surface algorithm. knot.c tknot.c Calculates an open knot vector. rbspsu
- Chapter 6 B-spline Surfaces basis.c tbasis.c Calculates the B-spline basis functions. bsplsurf.c tbsurf.c Calculates a B-spline surface. bspsurfu.c tbsurfu.c Calculates a periodic B-spline surface. dbasis.c tdbasis.c Calculates the B-
- geda的gerber文件工具,能查看标准的gerber文件-# Gerbv is a viewer for Gerber RS-274X files, Excellon drill files, and CSV pick-and-place files. # Gerbv is a native Linux application, and it runs on many common unix platforms. # Gerbv is free/ open-source softwa
- QCad 是2D CAD 程序 Linux-QCad version 2.x. QCad is a simple 2D CAD program which runs under Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and several Unix systems.