- 图形学的代码,使用系统提供的绘点函数,加上自己的算法。可以画出直线。包括DDA算法和breshenham算法,中心点画圆和8分画圆,提供种子填充算法,多边形画法。-graphics code, the use of the system provides painted point function, together with its own algorithm. Sense straight. DDA include algorithms and breshenham algorithm,
- 自己写的B样条.berzier的2次3次曲线,可以画出2次3次的B样条或是BERZIER曲线-himself wrote the B-spline. Berzier the 2nd 3rd curve sense 2nd 3rd B-spline curves or BERZIER
- This volume, in the ITECH Vision Systems series of books, reports recent advances in the use of pattern recognition techniques for computer and robot vision. The sciences of pattern recognition and computational vision have been inextricably inte
- 在窗口中绘制出来具有立体感的三叶曲线,通过正余弦函数得到曲线参数。-Drawing in the window, trefoil curve, with three-dimensional sense of the cosine function curve parameters.
- 用matlab绘制一维、二维的线性插值的权重函数,便于直观理解图像线性插值和双线性插值的意义。-Draw a one-dimensional, two-dimensional linear interpolation right weighting function with matlab, easy sense intuitively understand the image linear interpolation and bilinear interpolation.
Sample code
- this is done by c programmer and will never be done again by any other programmer unless this system has a sense to sense that this is a fake descr iption
- 使用Python实现一颗精美的大树绘制,有落叶一点一点落下的动态感,还有时钟的绘制(Using Python to achieve a beautiful tree drawing, there is a dynamic sense of falling leaves)