- 一个用MFC写的滤波器源代码,代码结构非常精巧,可以参考 功能:1 固定带通滤波 2 可变带通滤波 3 噪声删除 4 输入输出误差计算 实现比较简单,由于使用了Microsoft Foundation classes,代码流程很简单,但是实现的功能比较充分 Filter.h:头文件,定义了CFilterApp 类 Filter.cpp:利用MFC的函数实现了CFilterApp Filter.rc:资源文件,包括对话框和图标的说明-use a
- 给出两个chirp信号相加后,由瞬时频率定义求出的瞬时频率曲线,说明瞬时频率的不确切性;-The sum of two chirp signals are given, after the definition of instantaneous frequency derived from the instantaneous frequency curve, indicating lack of precision in the instantaneous frequency
- 子目录说明: \wvlt\lib\ 中存放的一些基本的小波基定义和相关库函数; \wvlt\wrefine\ 中存放的是小波基细化的程序代码; \wvlt\wxfrm\ 中存放的是一维小波变换的数学实现。-Subdirectory note: wvltlib stored in some of the basic definition of wavelet and related library function wvltwrefine is stored in wavelet r
- 快速Fourier变换的代码,基2算法,且和原始定义的Fourier变换算法进行了对比。-Fast Fourier Transform code, the base 2 algorithm, and the original definition of the Fourier transform algorithm were compared.
- In mathematics, a wavelet series is a representation of a square-integrable (real- or complex-valued) function by a certain orthonormal series generated by a wavelet. This article provides a formal, mathematical definition of an orthonormal wavelet a
- 1 Haar Wavelets 1.1 The Haar transform 1.2 Conservation and compaction of energy 1.3 Haar wavelets 1.4 Multiresolution analysis 1.5 Compression of audio signals 1.6 Removing noise from audio signals 1.7 Notes and references 2 Daub ech