- 读写中国地球空间数据交换格式源码 读写中国地球空间数据交换格式源码-read and write Chinese geospatial data exchange format source code to read and write Chinese geospatial data exchange format FO
- GSAL 是国外一套开源的GIS 栅格数据的转换库.英文介绍如下:GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. -GSAL abroad is a set of open-source GIS ra
- 基于c#的Open Geospatial Library源代码-based on the Open Geospatial Library source code
- vb+ao实现文本数据导入sde,arcgis地理空间数据引擎编程-vb ao Text Data into sde, arcgis geospatial data engine Programming
- CAVOR (Creating A Vison Of Reality) is an engine/collection of components for building apps that combine geospatial or graphic data with a database of attributes (properties). Examples include GIS, CAD, CASE, etc. It is free software released u
- 读写中国地球空间数据交换格式源码-read and write Chinese geospatial data exchange format FOSS
- Excellent stuff to develop GIS application using open source python libraries
- ESRI—The Open GIS Platform Support for industry standards and protocols engineered for building interoperable geospatial systems
- ESRI—The Open GIS Platform Support for industry standards and protocols engineered for building interoperable geospatial systems
- gvSIG是一个开源的桌面地理信息系统,同时也是开发地理信息系统一个强有力的工具。它包含许多功能如空间数据分析,地图编辑,Map设计等。gvSIG得到了西班牙一些政府和公司的参与并基于GPL许可证发布。gvSIG能够很好得工作在windows和linux平台之上。gvSIG支持其它GIS系统经常使用到的一些空间数据标准格式(shapefile,DXF,DWG,DGN,ECW,MrSID,TIFF,JPG2000等)。gvSIG遵循OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)标准
- 地理空间影像数据读写类库,功能丰富,与GDAL类库功能相似;但是函数调用更方便,便于理解。-Geospatial image data read and write class libraries, feature-rich, similar with GDAL class library function function call is more convenient, easy to understand.
- show dem,可以用作地理空间建模,精度30米(Show DEM, which can be used as a geospatial modeling, with a precision of 30 meters)
- Openlayer地图开源库的高阶应用,是对beginner的补充和淬炼(Nowadays, OpenLayers is the most complete and powerful open source Javascr ipt library to create any kind of web mapping application. In addition to offering a great set of components, such as maps, layers, or con
- gdal is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single raster abstract data model and single ve