- The motion within an image region is modeled using an affine transformation. Affine motion parameters are estimated using a coarse-to-fine gradient-based method. The approach is implemented using a robust M-estimation technique to make the computatio
- This collection of m-files will only get you through the very bear necessities (Look for the ...) of a single-run fMRI-analysis. Its actual aim is to illustrate the efficacy of spatial regularisation of the autocorrelation esimate in the framework of
- 这是一个著名的MATLAB/C实现的sift算法库。 并且被分解成几个可以重用的M和MEX文件。 这个实现产生一些关键点和描述子,和David Lowe s的实现差不多。-This is a MATLAB/C implementation of the SIFT detector and descr iptor. It is customizable and features a decomposition of the algorithm in several reusable M a
- 读图片,从图片中选取一点,计算该点与相邻四点的色彩相关系数。-Reading images, select one point from the picture and calculate its color correlation coefficient with the adjacent four points.
- 这是一个使用了Gabor特征提取和人工智能的人脸检测系统源代码 使用步骤: 1. 拷贝所有文件到MATLAB工作目录下(确认已经安装了图像处理工具箱和人工智能工具箱) 2. 找到"main.m"文件 3. 命令行中运行它 4. 点击"Train Network",等待程序训练好样本 5. 点击"Test on Photos",选择一个.jpg图片,识别。 6. 等待程序检测出人脸区域 createffnn.m, d
- This code shows you how to generate level set descr iptions of various three dimensional interfaces.
- This code shows you how perform various boolean operation on sets using level set functions.
- 最长用去雾算法,用matlab实现,效果不错-Spent the longest fog algorithm, using matlab to achieve good results
- Simulation of transmission electron microscopy image formation. 1. simImage.m : image formation simulation. 2. CTF.m : contrast transfer function. 3. wavelength.m : compute the wavelength of electron in certain accerrelate voltage.