- The VB BCS codes implemented by MatLab 7.0 are included in this package. BCSvb.m: VB BCS code demo_BCSvb_1d.m: example of a 1-dimensional signal demo_BCSvb_2d.m: example of a 2-dimensional image: 128x128 image 'cameraman' demo_BCSvb_2d_small.
- 各向异性的边缘检测算法实现,作者Christine Kranenburg-ource code for the Robust Anisotropic Diffusion edge detector described in "Robust Anisotropic Diffusion", by M. Black, G. Sapiro, D. Marimont and D. Heeger, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.7, no. 3, pp.
- Frost 滤波器代码,一个印度人仿真的V.S Frost 于1982年提出的Frost 滤波器,参考文献A Model for Radar Images and Its Application to Adaptive Digital -Frost_filter code Simulated by an Indian References VS Frost, " A Model for Radar Images and Its Application to Adaptive
- 多尺度mar算法图像处理 matlab retinex(Multiscale Mar algorithm image processing)