1D gabor Filter
- Descr iption: Recent studies on Mathematical modeling of visual cortical cells [Kulikowski/Marcelja/Bishop:1982] suggest a tuned band pass filter bank structure. These filters are found to have Gaussian transfer functions in the frequency domain. Thu
- 基于纹理分析的图像分割用滤波实现,需要先输入参数。%The Gabor filter is basically a Gaussian (with variances sx and sy along x and y-axes
- 主程序为 Tsai 参考 TestData 以了解调用方法 Ncx,Nfx,Cx,Cy,dx,dy,sx 七个参数可以这样得到: Ncx,Nfx,sx 简单的设为1。 Cx,Cy 设为像素中心,也即是如果图像是800×600,那就设为400、300。 但我的例子中的值是用其它的方法标定出来的。可以参考Tsai的另外一篇论文: Techniques for Calibration of the Scale Factor and Image Center fo
- Gabor滤波器经常被用于形状检测和特征提取,比如增强指纹图像。本代码用matlab实现了一个二维Gabor滤波器。 代码使用如下: function [G,gabout] = gaborfilter1(I,Sx,Sy,f,theta) from gaborfilter1 with different f(Frequency) and theta(Angle). for example f:0,2,4,8,16,32 theta = 0,pi/3,pi/6
- 4方向滤波器gabor 实现0°、45°、 90°、 135°方向滤波 - The Gabor filter is basically a Gaussian (with variances sx and sy along x and y-axes respectively) modulated by a complex sinusoid (with centre frequencies U and V along x and y-axes respectively)
- The files are in PGM format, and can conveniently be viewed on UNIX (TM) systems using the 'xv' program. The size of each image is 92x112 pixels, with 256 grey levels per pixel. The images are organised in 40 directories (one for each subject), which