- 此文档是研究关于JPEG哈夫曼编码二进制码流的详细分析,对于想研究JPEG码流如何编码的研究者将具有很大帮助。-This text tick is a search to admire the main huffman encode binary concerning JPEG code streaming of detailed analysis, for want to study the researcher whom the JPEG code flows how to code ha
- This paper will attempt to analyze and compare a number of different existing approaches to human detection in video. Even though there have already been a number a papers written on the topics of skin and face detection this paper will go beyo
- 图像操作有几个实例关于图像获取,图像的滤波-There are several examples of image operations concerning the image acquisition, the image filter
- This essay presents some observations concerning low rate steganography in images where the amount of covert information is below one bit per pixel.
- 关于超声图像散斑噪声去除(基于非局部均值的快速滤波算法)和超声心动图的分割(基于变分水平集)-This code is concerning with the Speckle reduction(accelerated algorithm based on non-local mean filtering) and the segment of image(based on level set)