- Using Guide: VC++6.0 employ the command in the menu step by step: image smooth image normalization Draw Dot direction Draw Block direction Draw Smooth direction Gabor filters enhancement \"readme.txt\" file: this
- Firstly, research on robust image watermarking. A digital watermarking scheme based on wavelet transform was proposed. It realizes the watermarking extract without the original image using 64×64×8 bit gray image as the watermark signal. In order to e
- A new approach toward target representation and localization, the central component in visual tracking of non-rigid objects, is proposed. The feature histogram based target representations are regularized by spatial masking with an isotropic kern
- To recover the original image losslessly, reversible wavelet transform should be used. Hence we employ the integer wavelet transformation which maps integer to integer and can reconstruct the original signal without any distortion. Although var
- 图像匹配是图像处理的基本问题,同时也一个难点,本代码是基于直线描述子的场景匹配。-Line segment matching plays an important role in image processing and computer vision, while it remains a challenging task for images under various transformations. In this work, we present a line matching alg